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Morning radio

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  • Morning radio

    Aaaarrrrrgh. This isn't a sighting but something I overheard on the radio this morning. On our ride to work we listen to a particular Brisbane radio station, that we continue to listen to throughout the day, then again on our way home. With this station, they tend to pick some controversial listener input from the breakfast show and use it to promo the next days show.

    The topic discussed today started as something along the lines of how appropriate is it to let your child go to the toilet in public. Basically if there aren't any facilities around, is it ok to let your child pee on a bush on the street or squat in the gutter. So the callers today were talking about at what age is it appropriate or inappropriate (is it ok for a 2 year old, 3 year old, 4 year old, etc) and is it ok in public, or should there be some effort made to hide the child from view. Lot's of callers. Then the discussion evolved (as it usually does) to adults being caught short, or even drunks throwing up in the street. Then there was the phone call that totally shocked the hosts, so much that they had to use it for the promo.

    A woman, who told us that at the time of the incident had just recently had a baby, her and her husband were driving one evening and she felt the need to go. They called in to a petrol station and she asked the guy serving if she could have the key for the toilets. He told her that the toilets were for staff only. She told him, with tears in her eyes, that she had just had a baby, and we all know how that can affect the waterworks of a woman, and she desperately needed to go. He told her again that the toilets were for staff only, no exceptions. She was so desperate that she went around the back of the place and relieved herself on the ground. Throughout the tale, one of the hosts was sharing her displeasure and disbelief that someone would deny facilities to a woman that was in obvious distress, and especially to someone that has just given birth. Then one of the other hosts piped up with the idea that hopefully when the guy went for his smoke break later, he might have stood in the puddle.

    So I have had the pleasure (?) of listening to the story of the poor new mum denied her basic human rights to use a toilet at a petrol station, denied by the bad man at the counter, ALL FREAKING DAY.

    I'm not wrong on this, am I? I'm positive that there was so much more to that story, but of course we have to believe the new mother was totally demeaned by being forced to relieve herself on the dirty ground of a petrol station rather than use the nice clean toilet. And each time I heard this story it made me angrier and angrier for the poor guy that was being castigated for not letting some SC or EW use the staff toilets. We've all experienced this, but of course we are the bad people when we deny anyone. I really wish I had been able to ring through and debate this, but unfortunately I don't have access to a phone until my first break, which was after the show had ended.

  • #2
    Would that station be B105 by any chance?

    Their Adelaide counterpart is just as bad for doing so. (although they're much better than the piddling crap that passes for Triple M these days and much more engaging than Nova!)
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...


    • #3
      No, it was 97.3. In know how bad B105 is. I like the music on 97.3, just sometimes the discussions get to me.


      • #4
        Ah, so it's our version of Mix 102.3. (which I also can't stand)

        Personally, I prefer me some SAFM (107.1)

        Although there was a very bizarre story that one of the hosts on the SAFM breakfast show shared with the rest of the world....she'd had a baby and was part of a mum's group. One of the mothers offered to keep an eye on the kids one day while the rest went to get some food. They come back and all the kids are asleep. One of the other mums (not the host) asked the mother who had stayed behind how she'd managed to get her (the parent, not the stay-at-home mum) kid to sleep.
        Turns out that stay-at-home mum normally popped her kid on the boob for a few minutes before he/she went to sleep. She'd done it with all 3-4 babies that day.
        Last edited by fireheart; 10-25-2012, 09:51 AM.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          Correct me if I'm wrong, but in some places restaurants are required by law to allow non-customers to use their facilities when asked. It avoids public elimination and humiliation.


          • #6
            Quoth Flying Grype View Post
            Correct me if I'm wrong, but in some places restaurants are required by law to allow non-customers to use their facilities when asked. It avoids public elimination and humiliation.
            Australian law is different. Although for some reason, quite a few service stations actually DON'T have public restrooms...which is a bit scary
            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

            Now queen of USSR-Land...


            • #7
              Even if Australian law were the same, service stations aren't restaurants.

              Generally, in the US, if you serve prepared food (stuff you toss in the microwave yourself doesn't count), then you are required to provide public facilities unless you are part of a mall complex that has communal facilities or similar.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                People get up in arms when a private business doesn't offer public bathrooms. I can understand a customer being irritated when they really have to go, but I can also understand how pissed off the employees get when they find their restrooms in a horrible state. When customers stop splashing piss and wiping shit all over the bathroom/stall walls, businesses will be more accommodating.

                *Some businesses still won't, because they literally can't. Employees can't help it if the only bathroom is located in the stockroom right next to thousands of dollars worth of merchandise.


                • #9
                  Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                  Generally, in the US, if you serve prepared food (stuff you toss in the microwave yourself doesn't count), then you are required to provide public facilities unless you are part of a mall complex that has communal facilities or similar.
                  I'm not sure about the rest of the country, but in PA it's if you have tables. So, the Wawa doesn't have to have a public toilet (most of them do, though), but the hole in the wall hoagie place with three plastic tables on the sidewalk does.
                  The High Priest is an Illusion!


                  • #10
                    You know, I'd have been tempted to call in. Why? To ask where the show hosts lived. So if I'm ever in the area, I can go banging on their door and demand they let me take a dump in their toilet because I really need to go.


                    • #11
                      I was quite surprised the other day, actually, coming back from New York State and stopping at an 8-12 (minus one) store for coffee and the bathroom. I asked the cashier if there was a bathroom and she said "through the double doors". The doors in question were to The Back, where I saw boxes of flavour syrup and milk crates and stuff, and the bathroom itself turned out to have the mop bucket drain in it as well as a toilet and sink. It was clearly not meant for customers, yet she just pointed me to it with no problem.


                      • #12
                        I can understand if it was one of the big service centres that are along a major highway. Those things generally have a petrol station and a couple of fast food places in a food court type of arrangement. They always have toilets. But I wouldn't expect the local servo to have a toilet, mainly because there is usually some sort of fast food joint or shopping centre nearby. I got the impression from the caller that it was this sort of arrangement.

                        I've worked at the 8-12 store, well a couple of them. My bosses owned three stores so I worked all of them, but mainly two. The first was on a main road right next to the Colonel and the Golden Arches. Just across the road and down a bit was a small shopping centre, and up the road was a large park area with public toilets. If anyone asked to use our toilet I would point out that it was staff only, and they could go to any of the other places I just pointed out. I did get the insistent parents telling me I had to let their child use our toilet as they were busting, and if I had children I would know that they need to go now. I would point out that in the time they had been yelling at me they could have gone next door to the Colonel and come back again. At all 3 of our stores, the staff toilets were in the back room surrounded by merchandise, as well as cleaning equipment, and the bosses desk with all the paperwork for the business. No way in hell I was allowing someone back there, especially since this was a very busy store, I worked alone, and I couldn't supervise them.

                        Now the other store I worked at most was a smaller store, on the borders of industrial and residential areas. This store was lucky to do even a quarter the trade of the bigger store, which was probably due to not selling petrol. Except for the video store next door (yes this was a long time ago), we were the only businesses in the area open at night. There were no fast food joints to direct people to, unless they wanted to drive about 3 or 4 blocks. But still I couldn't let anyone use the staff toilets. We had 2 toilets, but one was storage for our cigarettes (think on that all you smokers ), and the other one that we could use had the mops and brooms in it that you had to dodge if you needed to go. In my time at that store I let exactly 2 people use that toilet, and it was little kids that needed to go NOW! There was no one in the store at the time, and I had already explained to the parents that we didn't have public toilets. When I realised it was the kids that needed it, I took the parents and kids to the toilet, and brought them back when they had finished. The parents in these instances were very grateful, and couldn't thank me enough. They understood I was breaking the rules for them. But if someone came in demanding a toilet, I would tell them to take a hike (yeah really). It was a rough area, but the regulars would always watch out for me, and would stand up for me if it looked like trouble.


                        • #13
                          This is why I listen to audiobooks during my commute. No stress, except getting to work just in the middle of something exciting.
                          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                          HR believes the first person in the door
                          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                          Document everything
                          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                          • #14
                            ...and things like that are *exactly* why I don't listen to talk radio. Pittsburgh's morning commute "shows" are bad enough. One song per hour--the rest of the time is random DJ chatter about whatever is "news" in Hollywood
                            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                            • #15
                              Nothing makes people feel more entitled than a need to use the restroom and being told there isn't one available for the public. I always make sure my reply to them contains the word "public" because then, when their next question is to sneer, "No restroom. Where do you use the bathroom then?" I can reply with, "I didn't say we have no restroom, I said we have no PUBLIC restroom."
                              Yeah, it's rude but I don't care for people who ask me that. It's none of your business where I use the restroom. Somewhere you aren't going, that's for sure.
                              I'm sorry, but I've reached my maximum allowable exposure to stupidity limit for the day. I'll have to get back to you tomorrow.

