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You walked RIGHT PAST it! (less sucky,

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  • You walked RIGHT PAST it! (less sucky,

    So I went to the bank this morning to break a note into coins.

    At the very entrance, they had a sign informing clients that their entire bank network was down, and as such cannot do transfers, deposits etc.

    They also had the sign up on the teller windows.

    While I was waiting for the very nice teller to break my note, 3 people walked up to the teller, ignored the two signs and looked VERY shocked when told that the network is down.

    Thankfully no-one had a hissy fit, but I had such a giggle at the sheer lack of reading comprehension.
    The report button - not just for decoration

  • #2
    Customers never read signs. This is the cardinal rule of being an SC. Unless of course the sign says "Free" but even then they only read the word Free and not the words that say "If you buy X".
    "Employees can make or break any business, so treat them with respect. Job satisfaction has little to do with money. Discover what it has to do with and make sure they get it."

