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Ship of Fools

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  • Ship of Fools

    As noted in this thread, my boyfriend and I recently returned from a cruise. The cruise got off on a bad foot when the ship was delayed from returning to port by fog. The people waiting to go on the cruise were getting more pissed off by the hour, and it's a guarantee that the people stuck on the ship weren't a pleasant bunch to be around. I kept thinking of all the flights being missed -- more by the hour -- and cringing.

    With that as our starting point, I knew that I would be witness to some incredible bouts of idiocy and I was not at all disappointed. In fact, I saw so many that I started keeping a log of them.

    Unsurprisingly, after that rough start, the acts of SC-ness began immediately. Most of us weren't allowed to even board the ship until about 10 that night, almost 12 hours late. The mandatory safety briefing was to be held at 11, and with that in mind...

    1. -- Most people went straight to the dining room after finally being allowed on the ship, and with the safety briefing in an hour, most of us were wolfing down our food. A newlywed bride had a meltdown when the signal to go up to the safety briefing went off, and shrieked at a waiter that he had ruined her honeymoon -- because she hadn't had time to finish her dinner.

    2. -- At the safety briefing, the lot of us stood around waiting, and waiting, and waiting... and waiting... until the people who were holding up the process were summoned by their individual cabin numbers. And then we waited some more... until three snobby girls strolled by with their noses in the air and drinks in their hands, taking their place and looking around with that unmistakable sense of entitlement that seemed to convey that we should have all been honored to wait for them.

    3. -- One night at dinner we made the mistake of agreeing to eat with strangers. You can either have your own table for your party or you can agree to sit at a big table with people you don't know. I'm told this is a good way to meet new people and make friends, but in this instance we only managed to meet another gay couple, one half of whom was boring and the other half of whom was creepy. I later learned they were interchangeable, because my boyfriend had thought the creepy one was boring and the boring one was creepy. The one I thought was boring droned on at length about his job as a cartographer for the government and about ruining a pot of chili by adding too much pepper. At intervals he would take a pill and mention some obscure health problem, and all I could hear in my mind was Alice from Alice in Wonderland commenting on Hamish's fascinating blockage.

    Then the creepy one chimed in and mentioned that his partner liked the A&E show Hoarders, then said his partner was a hoarder and liked to go into the rooms where his hoard was stored and roll around in the stuff.

    "You like that show because you can relate," he said. "You like to go roll around in your stuff, don't you?"

    My boyfriend and I looked at each other not only because of the strange turn the conversation had taken but because of the tone he was using. I honestly expected him to lean across the table at any moment and hiss through bared teeth that he would like to see what my insides looked like on the outside. Very unsettling.

    We would see them from time to time for the rest of the cruise and whenever we saw them we'd immediately turn and walk the other way.

    4. -- Speaking of strange gay men, we ran into another one -- an extremely gay young man who we dubbed "Sneering Nelly" because whenever he saw my boyfriend he would turn up his nose with an audible sniff and flounce away. He apparently found me attractive, though, because atop the Mayan pyramid in Belize he made a show of checking out my ass in front of all the assembled tourists. We would see Sneering Nelly and his entire insufferable family frequently throughout the cruise.

    5. -- Speaking of Belize, while we were riding the tour bus en route to the ruins, a couple up at the front asked the tour guide, "What do you people do for work here? You all look so poor!"

    6. -- On the way back from the ruins, this same couple asked if there were any Belizean celebrities or anyone famous who had moved there to live. When one was named they looked at each other, shocked, and said, loudly, "[Name]?! That's not a celebrity, that's a pedophile! Keep your children away!"

    7. -- One night part of the dining room was closed off for a special children's dinner. This was not at all acceptable to all the people who wanted to -- who just had to -- either eat in that part of the dining room or pass through it. Included among these people were two drunk young men, one of whom was wearing a velvet sombrero and both of whom were assholes, who climbed over the barrier and came back with a plate heavy-laden with cake -- and who then proceeded to chew out a waiter who told them those cakes were for the children's dinner.

    8. -- On our excursion in Honduras, two dippy women had a conversation easily loud enough for everyone nearby to hear about what to tip the driver and the tour guide. One woman wanted to tip $2 apiece. The other woman would have none of it and said, "That's too much money! It's a Third World country!" Then, when were leaving to go get back on the ship, they tipped the driver and the tour guide one dollar apiece and chirped, "Here you go! One dollar each!"

    9. -- The ship heaved considerably, and one night as we were all filing down a staircase to watch a comedy show in one of the lounges, a woman near us said to her companion, "If I fall down these stairs I'll sue and be set for life!"

    And such and so forth. I was reminded of exactly why I hate working with tourists so much.
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2
    It's so bad I can hardly believe it's real.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      I've always regretted I've never taken a cruise.

      Until now.


      • #4
        I am now validated in my total non-interest in going on a cruise. Yeeesh, what a group.
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          Quoth MoonCat View Post
          I am now validated in my total non-interest in going on a cruise. Yeeesh, what a group.
          Same here. I can be entertained just as much without leaving home.
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #6
            Though I could not caution all,
            I still might warn a few -
            Don't lend your hand
            To raise no flag
            Atop no ship of fools.

            -R. Hunter.
            I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


            • #7
              What asshats.

              Though, it sounds like you went on the same cruise itinerary I did a few years ago. I love cruises....not so much the other cruisers. We were lucky enough with our first cruise to be seated with awesome people. Got to know them throughout the week and exchanged addresses. We still send xmas cards.


              • #8
                The one time I went on a cruise I was able to help interpret and I had a blast hanging out with old Japanese people...

                My friend's mother who accompanied us with my friend and friend's sister, was sucky.

                Other teens my age were sucky...

                But hardly any problems that could account for this. Wow.


                • #9
                  Back a few years ago when Rob and I did a Royal Caribbean cruise, we had the usual mix of really nice people and total entitlement whores. Being stuck in a wheelchair did make it difficult to get anywhere, especially around mealtimes - people think absolutely nothing of shoving past the poor chairbound person and filling an elevator so that we took to heading to the dining room at least an hour ahead of time, and hanging out reading in the lobby - until on the third day we requested being changed to the first sitting. I would not recommend that people avoid going on cruises, just that you go expecting a fair number of sucky encounters. Something about vacations seems to bring out the suck in people.

                  I would love to see some sort of CS cruise sometime, one of the short 3 day go out and make a big circle to enjoy the warm and relax type out of Ft Lauderdale. I think it could be a lot of fun, and we could load people in by sharing rooms [Rob and I like getting the family balcony handicapped room which tends to come with a fold out sleeper couch] which would give us room for one or 2 more people.
                  EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                  • #10
                    A CS cruise does sound like it would be fun. A cruise has always been my dream vacation. Going on a cruise and meeting people from CS would be doubly awesome.
                    Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


                    • #11
                      Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                      I would love to see some sort of CS cruise sometime, one of the short 3 day go out and make a big circle to enjoy the warm and relax type out of Ft Lauderdale.
                      That sounds like a great idea.

                      Now all we need is some plan for shipping the non-US folks to the cruise.....
                      Seshat's self-help guide:
                      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                      • #12
                        My mom and stepdad are going on a cruise next year; I'll tell them to keep an eye out for SC stories!

                        But yeah, being stuck on a ship with a bunch of strangers doesn't really attract me much. At least it wasn't all bad, right?


                        • #13
                          I've only been on one cruise but i had a great time. It was to Alaska but it was one of the small, catamaran boats. Only 25 rooms.
                          "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


                          • #14
                            Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
                            My mom and stepdad are going on a cruise next year; I'll tell them to keep an eye out for SC stories!

                            But yeah, being stuck on a ship with a bunch of strangers doesn't really attract me much. At least it wasn't all bad, right?
                            In general we had a blast. I spent most of our in port days lounging on our balcony with a pitcher of iced tea, a good book and tunes watching the people frolicking on beaches, or the wharf with people doing stuff [and one fun few hours watching the crew drop the lifeboats in the water and drive them around, our stateroom and balcony was 1 deck above the life raft deck.] I am sort of an inveterate people watcher

                            We would head to the coffee house on the promenade before the rest of the boat was up and around for breakfast, around 515-530 or so. You get to meet other insomniacs and crew that way. Nice people.

                            And I indulged in a spa afternoon, had a massage, and a hair treatment and Rob had his head waxed while he was waiting. Wonderful way to start a cruise - scheduled it for 9 am the morning after we left. Next time around I think I will save up and do 3, one beginning, one middle and one last day out.

                            When we left, we had just had a fairly bad storm front threatening NJ - there was snow falling on the ship, and we rolled through a class 1 hurricane on the way south. Didn't bother me other than I am now much less stable when I am on my crutches and Rob ended up using scop patches for the first 2 days. And of course it is annoying to go to bed in warm waters and wake up in snow again! But cruises don't last forever.

                            The food was excellent - not Ruth's Chris, but not Longhorn either. More what you get at a very good Casino private restaurant though the buffet was as good as a good casino buffet. I do recommend that you go for the soft drink plan if you do a lot of soda as if you are not on the plan sodas can get expensive. I just liked the 1 liter athletic bottle that came with the deal and I tended just to get iced water in mine as I am really not into sodas.

                            If we did a CS oriented cruise, we might consider the new Norwegian they are putting into service in NY - it has studio [single person staterooms] unless we can all sort into sharing staterooms - if you are solo you pay for the second empty berth in your room ... though I confess that one day I really want to take the Cunard cruise from NY to Southampton, kill a few weeks and return. Now that sounds like the perfect way to travel. *swoon*
                            EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                            • #15
                              I'm assuming that the offending individuals in the OP were Americans, because the last time I was overseas, this sort of behavior was fairly common amongst my fellow tourists. I cannot adequately describe the shame I felt at their behavior. And it never fails to astound me how Americans cannot fathom exactly WHY the world hates us.

