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  • #16
    Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
    And usually ask everyone for cash. My problems with them:
    1) Given how often I see particular groups, I'm sure that many of them have high overhead. I would rather give to a group that's going to spend my money on what they say, instead of fundraising costs.
    2) Stop asking me. Put up the display, and let me come to you. If you act as annoying as street beggars, then you are as annoying as street beggars.
    3) Work takes me to places where they beg constantly. Can't afford to support them all, even if I wasn't caring about #1.
    4) When Red Bucket Organization starts begging at the start of November (literally-- Nov 1), that's when I stop thinking of them as a charity and more as a professional fundraising organization.

    That's usually how it works here, at least with the red bucket people: they stand quietly on their spot, gently ringing their bell and people either donate or don't. I'd be seriously annoyed to be accosted. As for the kids, they usually do approach me, but they are so diffident about it that I don't find it an issue.

    Absolutely agree with your #1 point and I had a bit of a debate about it with a friend who works for a charity that pays their employees extremely well. Needless to say, we were on opposite sides.

    Speaking of the red bucket people, I saw an ad a few weeks ago seeking volunteers for their buckets. Um ... why aren't your own members out there??

    Quoth mhkohne View Post
    When confronted by any 'gimme money', I use the phrase 'not today' or 'not this time'. The implication being that I might give them money elsewhen, but not actually making any promises. It works great even on pushy checkout folk (very rare, fortunately), and mostly works on the rest. Any that it doesn't work on arebimmediately branded as 'hustler' in my mind, and never get anything.
    I like that "not today" option -- it's not as abrupt and dismissive as a flat "no" but gets you off the hook.


    • #17
      Heh. I was in a mall a couple of weeks ago for a job interview, but I was early, so I went on a walk through the mall for lunch.

      [Walking past Girl Scouts selling cookies]
      Scouts: "Wanna buy some Girl Scout cookies?"
      Me: "Ooo. Maybe later after I get some change and have my interview."
      [After lunch, walking back to the interview location]
      Scouts: "Wanna buy some Girl Scout cookies?"
      Me: "After my interview."
      [Later, after interview]
      Scouts: "Wanna buy some Girl Scout cookies!?"
      Me: "YES!"

      Seriously, I wanted cookies, and I think they were just singing it out to everyone who walked by, whether they'd already been hit up or not. Yes, it's a charity I support, and I love the product, and I don't mind paying that much. But if I'd had to walk by there once or twice more I might have started to lose it. XD


      • #18
        I did something similar once back when I lived in TX, only I was the cashier. It was about 2 days or so before hurricane Ike was poised to hit the Clear Lake area & I got called in on my day off to help prep the store for closing (the Clear Lake area had a mandatory evac order in place), I was the only cashier on duty besides the SM so I was pretty much on my own. The SM & I decided to hell with dress code & wore jeans & t-shirts so I wore my shirt that says "May the Force be with me" figured it was appropriate for the situation at hand, plus it got lots of laughs so it was all good
        "Much butthurt I sense in you, cry like a bitch you should"


        • #19
          Quoth smfrazier View Post
          At my store there is a side door that we can go through to avoid them. I feel a little guilty for doing that but I can't afford to make a donation every time I see one.
          That's what I do also. At the ones by me it's near where they push the carts into the vestibule.


          • #20
            If they accost me, I tell them this: "I only give to charities that don't ask. You have just made sure I'll never give to <insert name here.>"
            I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


            • #21
              Yeah, I'll respond with a "not this time" or "not today" if asked for donations. I have once or twice tacked on a donation to a purchase at Charlie Victor Sierra's or Not-Dangerous-Path groceries. Although that time at the grocery was because I was in the line of one of their friendliest and funniest cashiers, who, after I tacked on my donation, leaned into his PA microphone and gave a brief "Whoo!" I guess to announce he'd gotten a donation.
              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

