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Post office is soooo rude!!

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  • Post office is soooo rude!!

    I wanted to call my local post office to ask a question. I'm sure they get a lot of ignoramuses here in the city, and that's why they don't want to help. Back in the suburbs where I used to live they were always helpful. Well, anyway, back to my story.
    I called the office. Ring. Ring. Ring. x 20. No answer. They were open. Okay, try another post office..
    I got an automated system with like, 20 options. And none of them seemed to be for general questions. Holy Sh!t on a stick. So I press 0. That usually gets me a person....Nope. Got another snappy recording message saying, "Thisnumberhasnotbeenrecognizedbytheejrterltelrass ociation, GOODBYE!" Click.
    Okkkkkkkkkkkkk...third post office.
    Promptly the call was picked up by a nice sounding young man. "Hello, thank for you calling Blah Post Office, How can I help you"
    I sighed in relief: "Oh thank goodness!" Someone! And I really meant it. "I have-"
    Guy: "Helloooooooo?! QUUICKLYYYY"
    Me: O.o "Oh, um...." And I go and ask my question, which he answers promptly. I thought him saying quickly to me like that was rude, though! If I ever said "QUICKKLLYY" to someone at work I'd get my ear chewed off. Well, ok, it's a different business, but still....why be rude to a stranger? I wasn't rude.
    And if he had a line of customers--which I totally understand--why, after answering my question would he give me additional info? I mean maybe he felt bad for saying that...but still............
    Not only him. Whenever I visit the post office, which I had to do lately, the guy there, he seems to be the only guy that works in the morning. He grunts at me and is just...awful! I miss my old post office...:\ Does everyone get rude people at the P.O. or is it just me? :\
    Can't reason with the unreasonable.
    The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

  • #2
    I had a complete full blown rant ready to post but thought it would get me more then a few reporting a to the mods. Anyhoo...this is a very very busy time and the window clerks aren't supposed to answer the phone if they have anyone in the lobby.

    What gets me is the lack of answering machine, all offices are supposed to have one. Also...why didn't you ask 1800askusps?


    • #3
      may have been a moron manager heading his way when he said quickly and he wanted to help before the moron got there and started yammering about him answering the phone, but the moron detoured, so he could relax and be more helpful?


      • #4
        Unless it's a question that's specific for the post office in question, they should be able to help you at the 800 number.
        Random conversation:
        Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
        DDD: Cuz it's cool

        So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


        • #5
          Still, no reason for rudeness. The people at my 2 post offices are nice, thankfully. They try to save me money.
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            I'd rather deal with the 800 number than my local post office. Busy or no, they seem to have no time for you, even if you go into the office to ask a question (or file a complaint). Besides, I've come to the unstartling conclusion that the 800 number knows more about what's going on at the branch than the branch does...
            If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


            • #7
              Quoth raudf View Post
              I'd rather deal with the 800 number than my local post office. Busy or no, they seem to have no time for you, even if you go into the office to ask a question (or file a complaint). Besides, I've come to the unstartling conclusion that the 800 number knows more about what's going on at the branch than the branch does...
              For the post office used by my employer, I would totally believe it. If I mail something from my home or a mailbox in my home town, it gets post marked the same day and mailed.

              I mail from the town where I work - exactly 1 town over from where I live - the mail gets postmarked 2-3 days after I drop it. Even the few times I have dropped it with the person at the counter.

              I have no idea why they take so damned long to mail anything, but the only reason any of my mail ever passes through there is because our mailroom drops off and picks up from that location.


              • #8
                Quoth Aethian View Post
                I had a complete full blown rant ready to post but thought it would get me more then a few reporting a to the mods. Anyhoo...this is a very very busy time and the window clerks aren't supposed to answer the phone if they have anyone in the lobby.

                What gets me is the lack of answering machine, all offices are supposed to have one. Also...why didn't you ask 1800askusps?
                With all due respect, that doesn't give the clerk the right to be THAT rude. Sure, I can understand being stressed and maybe a little short, but that was over the top.

                I work in the travel business, in an emergency call center. I can't even put into words how many times I wanted to snap when Hurricane Sandy hit, and we had 1200 calls on that Sunday vs a normal 400. But, I didn't. I'm sure I may have sounded a bit stressed, but I would have had no right to full-on yell at anyone like this guy did.
                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                • #9
                  Guy: "Helloooooooo?! QUUICKLYYYY"
                  Fuck the line. If he's THAT busy he can ask you to hold instead of snapping at you.

