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Early Morning Woes.

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  • Early Morning Woes.

    This guy is a coworker of mine. He has a crackhead girlfriend who steals all his stuff. He lives in the same apartment building as I do on the same floor. We have gone to the building management many times about her, she has been banned from the building, and management has approx 25 letters of complaint from residents about her. Unfortunately the building owners do not want to evict the tenant for some strange reason, even though he keeps bringing her to his place. Today was one of the worst moments.

    I come to my apartment door, hearing yelling. 50 meters down the hall, there is yelling coming from my CW's apartment (keep in mind that the door on his apartment was closed, as was mine). Finally the disturbance was settled as his GF left. I go back to bed glancing at the time and realizing that it is 3AM!!! Who the bloody hell makes enough noise to be heard through thick concrete walls, down a long hallway, loud enough to wake the guy at the far end of the hall past me at 3AM in the morning????
    "Employees can make or break any business, so treat them with respect. Job satisfaction has little to do with money. Discover what it has to do with and make sure they get it."

  • #2
    who? Someone who doesn't give a fuck about anything but himself and his drama

    at this point, i'd suggest... perhaps the police need to be involved. i mean it sounds like the apartment manager is only telling you what you want to hear and not really doing anything about the situation


    • #3
      Ditto. I had the same issue with my neighbour in the apartment building I used to live in and one fine morning, at about the same unholy hour, somebody finally did call the police. We were on the fifth floor and apparently you could hear the screaming in the parking lot.

      Who would do this? Somebody who needs to be evicted, and the sooner the better.


      • #4
        I lived in a complex that had a 2 strike rule with police on the lease you signed. Police called to your apartment 2 times.. automatic eviction. The manager was a no-nonsense lady that didn't put up with much BS, and she enforced the rule. Saw at-least 2 sets of tenants get kicked out for violations in the 3 years I lived there.
        Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


        • #5
          Quoth drunkenwildmage View Post
          I lived in a complex that had a 2 strike rule with police on the lease you signed. Police called to your apartment 2 times.. automatic eviction. The manager was a no-nonsense lady that didn't put up with much BS, and she enforced the rule. Saw at-least 2 sets of tenants get kicked out for violations in the 3 years I lived there.
          Um, called as in for a valid complaint from the neighbors or called for any reason?

          cos that could also be a great way to get someone evicted if you hated them; just call the cops on them twice for bullshit reasons.


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            Um, called as in for a valid complaint from the neighbors or called for any reason?

            cos that could also be a great way to get someone evicted if you hated them; just call the cops on them twice for bullshit reasons.

            The manager always got a copy of the police reports, so I think she based off what they said. If the report indicated it was not a valid call, then she would let it go.
            Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


            • #7
              The police have been phoned a few times actually. Unfortunately, I do not want to leave the building because it is very new and I pay very very little for rent.
              "Employees can make or break any business, so treat them with respect. Job satisfaction has little to do with money. Discover what it has to do with and make sure they get it."

