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you always gotta piss on something dontcha?

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  • you always gotta piss on something dontcha?

    random memory time from a few years ago:

    One of my friends had a religious charity she'd started up involving pianos. The concept was that she was going to try to help inspire talented children with free music lessons, sheet music, even donated pianos. I don't remember all of the qualifications but one of the main ones was that the kids had to be well behaved.

    For example, one of the kids who was given a piano was a young child who really stepped up when his dad went on deployment. He was doing everything he could with chores and good behavior to make things easier on his mom. and he really had a strong love of the piano.

    The "piss on everything" part comes from a coworker. When she heard me talking about it she started in with her own rant about how worthless this charity was.

    "If she really cared about helping people she'd be giving them food!" and stuff like that.

    Arguing back with her was a bit pointless unfortunately. she liked to pull rank when people argued, even if it wasn't a work-related conversation.

    I think I did put in a parting comment that she was doing exactly that. can't remember if it was before or after she started in about my hair length and that i'd better come in the next day with my hair up.

    Yep typical of her. always gotta piss on stuff eh

  • #2
    I really can't stand a wet blanket. It sucks when people who are unable or unwilling to accomplish things themselves have to crap all over the abilities and accomplishments of others. Why the hell can they just not appreciate what someone can do.

    Good on your friend. Sometimes helping people doesn't have to mean food, money, clothes, or other material things. Sometimes it's just providing an opportunity.
    O God, thy sky is so vast and my plane is so small.


    • #3
      Quoth Swordsman422 View Post
      I really can't stand a wet blanket. It sucks when people who are unable or unwilling to accomplish things themselves have to crap all over the abilities and accomplishments of others. Why the hell can they just not appreciate what someone can do.

      Good on your friend. Sometimes helping people doesn't have to mean food, money, clothes, or other material things. Sometimes it's just providing an opportunity.

      I forgot to include that she herself had such an opportunity. As a child she didn't have much but someone gave her a gift of music lessons.

      it ended up being her life. sure her "day job" was working for a lawyer, but her true love was always piano. she could literally just play random beautiful "filler" music on the organ or piano... while chatting away, not even looking at the keys.

      and that's what her charity was about - giving to others what she had been given


      • #4
        I think a charity like that is wonderful. There are a lot of charities and agencies to try to help people who can't afford to feed or clothe their kids. But there's definitely also a place for a charity to make life itself just a bit better on a different level, for the kids of those parents, or parents who do manage to keep the kids fed & clothed without help, but have nothing left after that. Music & the arts shouldn't be limited to only those who have money for it.

        Madness takes it's toll....
        Please have exact change ready.


        • #5
          Music saved my life and continues to save it.

          I'm glad someone is working to get pianos/lessons into the hands of those who will use it well.

          As for the wet-blanket CW: *raspberry* Who died and made her Grand Decider?
          1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
 (A blog about everything and nothing)

