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  • "YOU HURT MOM!!"

    I was at the Mart ala Wal the other day for medication and I decided to see what (if anything) was in the Red Box. When I get there, I see a woman and her two sons, one looked to be 11 or so and playing on a iPhone. The other was about 8. The mother was trying to be patient and finish the order. The 11 year old had finished choosing his movie but was commenting on his little brother's choices.

    IPK: iPhone kid
    YOK: Younger Ordering kid
    MOM: Their mother

    YOK: Mom, I want this one!
    IPK: (looks up) No, that one's G. It's stupid!
    MOM: Well, if he wants...
    YOK: No, I don't want that! I want something else.
    MOM: Have you seen "Dark Knight?"
    IPK: Yeah....
    MOM: Alright, alright...
    YOK: I want THAT ONE! (an animated movie)
    IPK: No....that's stupid.
    MOM: We can get that and you can watch it in the back...
    YOK: NO! I don't want that!!
    MOM: (Getting fed up) Fine, if you can't make up your mind, I'm going to pay.
    YOK: NO!! I WANT TO FIND ONE!! (starts jockeying with his mother) I WANT!
    MOM: Now wait! You need to-
    YOK: NO!! I want!
    MOM: Wait, stop!
    (She falls backwards and nearly smacks her head on the ground. Her sunglasses fall off and land at my feet. I grab them as she's standing and hand them back.)
    ME: Are you alright, ma'am?
    MOM: (red faced an PISSED) Fine, thank you.
    MOM: (putting her face by YOK's ear) Stand over there now.
    YOK: But-
    MOM: NOW!!!
    (He starts crying but does. The other kid keeps yelling "YOU HURT MOM!" over and over again. The mother cancels the order entirely and starts out the door.)
    MOM: Let's go. NOW!!!!
    (YOK follows, still crying. I watch them leave and step up for my own.)
    ME: (to myself) If I tried that shit at his age, my mom would have beat my ass. And I would have deserved it.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?

  • #2
    good thing she cancelled the whole order at least. But yeah if my kids pulled that shit they would have had their asses beat and no movies for like a month or more.
    Great YouTube channel check it out!


    • #3
      yeah both kids.

      cos the younger one might have been the one to get grabby and make their mom trip, the older kid was antagonizing him and making things worse to begin with


      • #4
        They just may be getting their rears warmed. at home. because in public you have those idiots that cannot distinguish the difference between a spanking and a beating.


        • #5
          Quoth Teskeria View Post
          They just may be getting their rears warmed. at home. because in public you have those idiots that cannot distinguish the difference between a spanking and a beating.
          My thinking exactly - "chastise in private, praise in public." (I'd say the mother did the right thing - no one gets anything, leave right now, and I'll bet punish at home.)
          I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


          • #6
            Quoth Nurian View Post
            ME: (to myself) If I tried that shit at his age, my mom would have beat my ass. And I would have deserved it.
            Quoth Teskeria View Post
            They just may be getting their rears warmed. at home. because in public you have those idiots that cannot distinguish the difference between a spanking and a beating.
            and people that think children that have valid issues and can't control anger(autistic, ADD,ODD) should be beaten to "fix them".

            My son would act like this at times out of frustration, he'd have a meltdown, and everyone would start commenting on how "he was only that way due to my parenting, and I had to beat it out of him"

            So unless you know the child and the parent-you have no right to judge them.

            Quoth Nurian View Post
            MOM: (putting her face by YOK's ear) Stand over there now.
            and from getting that close, that is something parents of autistic children have to do, because the child won't change focus from what they want.
            Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


            • #7
              Quoth Captain Trips View Post
              My thinking exactly - "chastise in private, praise in public." (I'd say the mother did the right thing - no one gets anything, leave right now, and I'll bet punish at home.)
              Yep, that's the best way to handle it to avoid having it look like Mom/Dad is also having a meltdown.

              Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
              and people that think children that have valid issues and can't control anger(autistic, ADD,ODD) should be beaten to "fix them".

              There is that, but it's also a fact that children are not stamped out like cookies and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I have no kids but I once asked a relative (as a prelude to writing a newspaper column on the subject) about corporal punishment versus other types of penalties. She said some kids respond to "time out" or being sent to their room, some respond quickly to nothing more than a sharp change of voice or a LOOK (), while others ... well, before you can do anything else, you need to get their attention ... somehow. She had one of each so I felt she knew that whereof she spoke.


              • #8
                The older one had no right to judge the movies his brother wanted to watch. If I pulled something like that with my little brother and mom, I'd lose my movie privilege completely. Older brother can easily find something else to do while his little brother watches his own movie.
                Some people just need a high five...

                In the face with the back of a chair....


                • #9
                  Im guessing after she got over being embarrassed he got his ass beat royal. Good on her! If I or my sibs had done that to my mother we would have had our asses beat so hard our Great, great, great, grand childrens' great, great, great, grandhildren would have felt it. (hypothetically speaking of course) as for the little tyrant crying when mom yelled at him? that ain't no reason to cry. when he gets home THEN he'll have a LEGITIMATE reason to cry.
                  Last edited by Dave1982; 01-12-2013, 03:34 AM. Reason: this did not need to be all bold
                  NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer

