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CW on CW Sighting

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  • CW on CW Sighting

    Stopped by the hardware store today to pick up a piece of peg board. I needed it cut, so the guy working the lumber section made the two cuts I needed and I was on my way. I get to the front to pay and realize the guy had cut right through the middle of the barcode sticker on the panel. Cashier and I started flipping over the two other pieces looking for the other half of the sticker, but it was nowhere to be found. So she calls the guy on his radio to ask him for the item code.

    Now he was in the middle of off-loading a pallet of wood on a forklift. We could see him straight down the aisle from the register. He says he's busy, call someone else to check it.

    Okay, not too sucky... he was right in the middle of trying to line up with a high shelf.

    Cashier gets pissy, though. Muttering about idiots not paying attention in the first place (for cutting the sticker) and then being rude to her again so she calls someone else on the register's phone. She spends a few minutes trying to get someone to answer the phone, by which time the guy was done loading the wood on the shelf. He looks straight at me and sees me still waiting at the register and heads back to the shelf to get the item code.

    This is where the CW suck comes in.

    The lady at the register is *still* trying to get someone to get her the code. The guy was standing at the shelf at the far end of the store ready to give it to her, but she won't get off the phone so he can call her to tell her. He yells down the aisle for her to get off the phone, but she's ignoring him. Thinking she didn't hear him, I point out that he's waiting to give her the number, but she tells me that if he's going to be rude about not going the first time, she's not going to talk to him now. What? I point out that she's still waiting for someone to answer, but the guy is right there at the shelf waiting. That's when she starts ignoring me. Finally the guy starts heading up the aisle toward the register, but someone comes on the phone and gives her the item number before he gets half-way. I give the guy a thumbs-up and a "what the hell are you going to do?" shrug and he scowls and goes back to his forklift to finish stocking.

    Seriously? Two fails, lady. You were rude to a coworker in front of a customer and you made a customer wait because your panties were in a bunch.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull

  • #2
    Three fails in my opinion. She was rude to you as well.

    Kudos for the guy noticing your predicament when he had a break between stocking items and trying to help though. Nice to see him not continue the passive-aggressive BS by even starting to make the trip up to the registers.
    My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
    It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


    • #3
      I agree with the three fails. I'm not a particularly patient sort, so when the cashier started this dumbfoolery, if there had been any other cashier available I'd have simply picked up my purchase and gone to a different register (possibly with a detour to the guy to pick up the complete item number). I'd also have tracked down a manager and let them know about her unacceptable behavior.
      You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


      • #4
        I'd have asked her that while she was on the phone, to please get a manager, because there is a very obvious 4th suck there.

        She was complaining because the CW refused to leave a situation that could be potentially dangerous for customers and fellow coworkers. He was in the process of loading a pallet onto a high shelf using a forklift... I've seen the results from interrupting that and it was with boxed push mowers! First rule even at the Mart of Walls was, "Never leave the forklift with the tines up. EVER." It was probably faster for him to just finish shelving rather than trying to lower the tines back down anyways.

        I'd have also gone back over to the CW and thanked him for trying and explain the situation, if the SC didn't get a manager for me first... I take a dim view of being made to wait due to someone's knickers being in a knot over something like that.
        If I make no sense, I apologize. I'm constantly interrupted by an actual toddler.


        • #5
          i would seriously consider talking to a manager about her.
          tell them that the original worker made a mistake but that he came over to fix it as soon as he was able... the cashier on the other hand had a bug up her ass that he didn't drop the forklift RIGHT NOW to serve her.

          sometimes stuff like that also means... if she complains about him later the manager can nip her attitude problem right in the bud


          • #6
            The cashier was playing with fire. Having a pissing contest with a co-worker because the co-worker didn't interrupt a dangerous task is bad enough, but when the pissing contest delays checking-out a customer, the customer is likely to get upset. What's to keep a customer from telling the cashier point-blank "If getting your petty revenge against your co-worker is more important than serving customers, I'll go to $other_store to buy my stuff", leaving the merchandise behind, and walking out the door? Since the pegboard has already been cut, it's no longer saleable.
            Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


            • #7
              that's not a bad point. cos the cashier WAS being petty - at the expense of the customers's time. to the point where she was even ignoring the customer's comments too.


              • #8
                I think I just might go back and talk to a manager. I have the receipt with the cashier's name and employee number, so it wouldn't be a random "that lady who was working that day" kind of complaint.

                I was in a good mood that day, so I was less annoyed by being made to wait than I was surprised by her attitude toward a coworker in front of me. I don't expect everyone to get along, but some things (like parents or coworkers fighting) should not be done in front of the kids, you know?
                Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull

