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Crunch! Crunch! Smash!

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  • Crunch! Crunch! Smash!

    That was the sound that woke me up at 0310 this morning (12/31/14). Intermixed with these sounds was the sound of a large type engine revving madly.

    The smash sound was so loud the house shook. I thought for sure someone had hit the big hickory tree in my front yard (mere feet from my front bedroom window). I could hear the engine rev down, then someone muttering curses. As I struggled out of bed, grabbed my glasses, I managed to get to my south side bedroom window to catch sight of this SUV driving off.

    At first I thought the crunching sound was the car driving through the big pile of leaves on my curb (we have a leaf sucker that comes through so I don't have to bag) before the crash into the tree. I managed to get my shoes on, some pants, a coat, and grabbed my cell to go out and have a look.

    That's when I realized my yard was OK. I walked down the street a bit trying to see what got hit when I realized my neighbor's fence was almost completely gone . . . actually it IS completely gone in one approximately 50 foot section.

    I could clearly see the track marks where the SUV jumped the curb, took out the fence, and slammed against a tree in his back yard. The curb and street were littered with bits of his front end bumper, head light, side mirror and even a windshield wiper.

    Out comes the phone. The pics I took at night in the dark didn't come out too good, even with a flash. I call 911, and dispatch promises to send an officer to check it out.

    Oddly, no one seemed to wake up or take note of what was going on.

    So I go back in the house because it was below freezing last night.

    A few minutes later I hear this loud revving engine drive by, in the direction of my neighbor's house. I look out the window and the SUV is back! He turns out his headlights, and I see him pull a U turn in the intersection just past my neighbor's house as I'm coming into my front yard. He pulls up on the curb by all the damage and just sits there. No headlights, just sitting there with the engine on.

    Out comes the phone, and I call 911 again to tell them the guy is back. I give the dispatcher the best description I can of the SUV, but it was dark, and there was no street light on that part of the street so I couldn't see much. I didn't want to go into the road because I'd have to pass in front of his car and I was afraid of a confrontation. After a few minutes, his headlight comes back on, and he takes off.

    I give all this info to the cop when he shows up. We find his side mirror and other damage in the road. Neighbor doesn't answer when cop knocks on his door.

    They didn't catch the guy. Here's some pictures of the damage he did.

    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

  • #2
    That is so weird. He fled the scene and then came back? I'm guessing alcohol because otherwise I got nothin'.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      I'm positive he was drunk. I think he came back to see how bad the damage was and try to retrieve pieces of his car.
      They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


      • #4
        Too bad he didn't leave behind the bumper with his plate still attached. I'm glad no one (else) was hurt, but I wish they caught the guy. Hope they still do.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          I'm not optimistic. But I'm glad I filed the police report. Firstly, it will help my neighbor (who's a pretty nice guy, quiet, nice kids) make an insurance claim to fix his fence.

          Secondly, there's been talk in the neighborhood about pushing the city to put in speed bumps on my street. People whip around the same corner this guy did, and race up my street at speeds upwards of 50 MPH. I lost Stumps to a reckless driver four years ago, and there have been a couple of accidents (last one was pretty serious; motorcyclist who T boned a van when he ran a yield sign, and yes he was going way to fast).

          I'm going to find out what I have to do to get the city to take action, and start a petition if I have to. We have a lot of young children in our neighborhood; it's only a matter of time before a kid on a bike gets hit
          They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


          • #6
            Keep us posted on the efforts with the city.

            It took a nice, elderly, crossing guard getting ran over (breaking his leg) for our city to update and fix the school crossing zone that passes though the highway in town. Hopefully, you can get change without anything that serious.
            I might be crazy, but I'm not Insane.

            What? You don't play with flamethrowers on the weekends? You are strange.

