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Housemate saw an accident - Motorcycle rider didnt make it

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  • Housemate saw an accident - Motorcycle rider didnt make it

    Housemate bicycle rides a single 2-lane back road that for all of it's 10 miles is hills, curves and blind drives with a max MPH of 40. He left work, turning left and headed down the road. He thought it odd there was no traffic that time of day. then he saw an Officer blocking the road. Apparently there was a road block further up from his work that their driveway was already past. The Officer let him ride through after he explained that going the only other way would add another 5-miles to his 10-mile ride. He saw that, apparently, a car pulled-out of a complex of townhouses and directly in the path of a motorcyclist that it was determined was driving the speed limit; there just must not have been time for him to react to the car appearing. The bike was in 5-pieces. The motorcyclist was being zipped-up.

    This road is terrible for people making unsafe left turns or pulling-out in front of people. I hope the driver of the car gets what's coming.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

  • #2
    I wonder how long it'll be before the same motorist pulls out in front of another vehicle without looking - and this time it's a loaded semi.
    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


    • #3
      I hate idiot drivers with a passion. RIP motorcyclist. Karma will get its revenge.


      • #4
        The motorist will live the rest of his life knowing what he or she did. A while back I was turning left where there was limited visibility, because of a guard rail. I could not see a low car was coming and started to pull out. I saw him and managed to stop, but I just keep thinking that could have been a bad accident and it would have been my fault.
        Replace anger management with stupidity management.


        • #5
          Quoth notalwaysright View Post
          The motorist will live the rest of his life knowing what he or she did.
          Then again, the motorist might not even care. Quite a few people are in their own little world, and simply don't care about other people.
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            Quoth protege View Post
            Then again, the motorist might not even care. Quite a few people are in their own little world, and simply don't care about other people.
            As a former motorcyclist, I agree with this. I once had a woman driving a giant battlewagon pull out in front of me without looking or indicating; only the fact that I was only driving at thirty miles per hour stopped me from hitting her. I just sat there and screamed at her cuz she'd nearly killed me thru nothing but carelessness. Had I been driving a lorry, she could have ended up dead... and also, her innocent baby in the back seat.
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #7
              Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
              I once had a woman driving a giant battlewagon pull out in front of me without looking or indicating;
              The old "I've got 3 tons of steel to protect my family, so stay the eff out of my way!" mentality. Works great until they try throwing their weight around and realize they don't have the weight to throw, as in "I see your 3 tons and raise you 7" (bobtailing in the Peterbilt of Natural Selection). With a full load, their 3 tons of steel to protect their family doesn't amount to much when I've got 40 tons to turn them into a red smear.
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #8
                Similar accident happened right in the front of my apt complex. There are actually 2, side by side, on one side of the road, and on the other, the driveway leading out from an elementary school. If I recall correctly, the car pulled out and cut off a motorcyle, who went into the side of her car, and the car then continued on and hit a tree or building. Car was at fault, and the driver didn't make it. Guy on the bike was lucky; i think he had minor injuries. COnsidering she cut him off, he came out ok.

