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2 go or not 2 go

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  • 2 go or not 2 go


    Well, I guess that it was windy one day because as I approached an intersection I saw that the traffic light for the left turn lane was completely flipped over, so it was facing the other way. Oh noes!
    Now I wasn't in the left turn lane, so I didn't have a problem, but there were other people there, and the poor guy up front wasn't sure when to make his left turn because the thing was flipped. So he just stood there and waited, until the whole line of cars behind him beeped and honked, and then he hesitatingly moved.
    I was thinking, if I were him, I wouldn't go at all because if a bunch of strangers were wrong, and I caused a traffic accident, I'd be at fault. I know you can tell when to go by watching traffic patterns but unless I was SURE...I wouldn't.
    Then again, if I were the line behind him, I'd be pretty peeved...but I'd understand. I'd probably mosey on over to the right lane and make a U turn.
    If you weren't sure it was your time to go, would you take the risk??? Was the front guy sucky or was the line sucky???
    I do remember one day when the sunlight was so bright in my eye that I couldn't tell whether it was red or green...but I went anyway when I felt the time was right. But I sweated bullets.
    Can't reason with the unreasonable.
    The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.

  • #2
    I was at a red light once for long long minutes, before I finally realized that it wasn't going to change ever. I moved over to the right lane and turned right, which was still illegal where I was but at least it was safer. When I went back through 40 minutes later the light was still red, but there was a police directing the intersection. If it was just the light in one lane affected I would have moved over and gone through a different lane legally and took a different route to my destination.
    Pain and suffering are inevitable...misery is optional.


    • #3
      In most (US) states, at least -- If a light is out, flashing red, or stuck red, it's usually treated as an all-way stop sign...but I have no idea how that sort of thing applies to one which has been physically moved like that o_O
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      "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


      • #4
        I think, in those circumstances, it's reasonable to treat it as an uncontrolled junction, and proceed cautiously - which means watching the other traffic and finding a safe moment to proceed.

        It might also be a good idea to call the police, using a non-emergency number if possible, so that they can send someone to direct traffic. They'd also be able to inform the right people to get the signals fixed.

