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Stupidest things spotted while driving

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  • Stupidest things spotted while driving

    This post reminded me of some of the stupid things I have seen people doing while they are supposed to be driving, but didn't want to hijack the thread.

    Spotted by me:
    - people brushing their teeth, including one guy who had a spit cup
    - women putting on makeup
    - guys shaving, mostly with electric shavers but once with a face of shaving cream and an old school razor
    - a guy getting acquainted with his hand
    - a number of people eating breakfast from bowls with a spoon
    - people smoking and drinking while steering with their legs/knees
    - people smoking and talking on their phone while steering with their legs/knees
    - a person reading a newspaper while going 80kms an hour
    - a person reading a book doing 60kms an hour

    Spotted by my dad who rode a motorbike into the city everyday for 20 years
    - a woman getting acquainted with her hand
    - people doing 2 of the following at the same time: drinking, eating, smoking, talking on their phone all while steering with their knees/legs
    - people with kids on their lap
    - people with dogs on their lap
    - woman breastfeeding while driving
    - person looking at a street directory while doing 100kms an hour
    - guy with a map spread across steering wheel and blocking most of the windscreen
    - guy with girl's head in his lap

    So, what else have you spotted?
    A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. - Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!

  • #2
    You covered most of mine, this is a variant...

    A Mom/Dad completely turned around in the drivers seat stretched with their arms out to where their kid/baby is strapped in. While moving. In heavy traffic.
    Replace anger management with stupidity management.


    • #3
      Hey perhaps the girl was just helping him find his place on the map since he needed both hands free for driving with...

      It's just there..there...oh yes it's THERE...almost've found it
      The Copyright Monster has made me tell you that my avatar is courtesy of the wonderful Alice XZ.And you don't want to annoy the Copyright Monster.


      • #4
        Someone folding their laundry while driving.


        • #5
          As a passenger on a bus, I once looked down and saw a little hatchback car next to the bus.

          With the rear hatch wide open.

          And a baby, sound asleep, unrestrained in any way, in the back of the car about 1 foot away from the open window.

          One hard bump was all it would have taken for the baby to go flying out of the open hatch.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            I saw someone putting in eyedrops as she sped through an intersection once, many years ago. Luckily she had the green light at that moment. (Not that she would have noticed)


            • #7
              To be fair... I brush my teeth in the car, without water and without toothpaste, all the time. It gets all the stuff out of my teeth from after breakfast and helps keep me awake. Figure it's better that than a toothpick that can stab me or floss which needs both hands...

              It's also the only thing that keeps me awake if I'm driving while tired... Which is odd. I figure it's because it's something I have to think about to do the task.

