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The swerviest driver

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  • The swerviest driver

    I wish I'd gotten this woman's plate number b/c I would have called the cops. As it was, I only had "White Nissan Pathfinder" as my most specific description, which is of little use since that describes like 30% of the cars on the road it seems.

    It was mid-morning and I was driving to work on a double-lane highway. Now, I've seen some swervy drivers, but this lady was special. I started out behind her, and I watched her swerve halfway off the shoulder, back to her lane and then halfway to her other lane, then she swerved back until she was entirely OFF the shoulder (and this is a shoulder with rumble strips to boot)...back and forth and back and forth.

    An exit for another highway came up. All the cars ahead of her exited and she started to follow them. I was able to pass her before she suddenly swerved back onto our highway, causing cars in both lanes to slam and swerve to avoid her. I glanced in my rearview and watched her continue to swerve wildly between the shoulder and the other lane, causing the cars in that lane to swerve onto their shoulder to avoid hitting her. No one was passing her.

    Traffic ahead of me began to slow as another busy exit came up. I could see the driver had her head down and she was picking up speed. I seriously thought she was going to hit me. I had my hand on the horn, but at the last second she perked up and hit her brakes.

    We crossed a bridge and I was hoping she was going to swerve into the rail. She came within inches. I was waiting for it.

    My exit was next and she continued on. I don't know if she was distracted or drunk or it was a medical thing, but I've never seen anyone drive that awfully!
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    I'd bet money she was texting.... Or something on her phone. But, texting...


    • #3
      Ideally, in that situation you want to call the police while following her at a safe distance. It counts as an emergency; she's a clear and present danger on the road.

      Tell them *where* and *in which direction* she's going; they can find her that way. It's actually more useful information than the plate number.


      • #4
        I once dealt with someone very like that, big pickup truck, swerving back and forth constantly, called 911 and basically followed the truck for a solid 5 or so minutes. Gave them make, model, plate, and street names and direction of travel. Driver almost hit another car ignoring a stop sign and angled intersection, never did find out if they caught the driver.

