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Tie your load down (amateur version)

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  • Tie your load down (amateur version)

    So this evening I was on my way to take my son to basketball practice and pick up my car so I was riding with my brother. As we are going down the road at 50 mph (regular road- one vehicle wide in each direction) the oncoming traffic is a small SUV with a piece of plywood strapped to the top. Unfortunately it comes off the small rope used to tie it snapped. The piece of plywood comes flying at our car. Luckily my brother swerved and it just hit the fender and tire, but it looked like it was coming for the windshield and probably would have if not for his quick thinking.

  • #2
    that's scary. Yesterday I witnessed someone driving down one of the busier roads in our city, with a mattress on the roof of the car. The only thing holding the mattress to the roof was two hands. One on the passenger side and one on the driver side


    • #3
      I come in to work at 4:30pm and leave at 1 am some of the things I see on my way in or out. I have a post for in here but im at work and its busy and im the only one in my dept after 8 pm so if I have time ill post if not ill try to get on my ipad at home and post.


      • #4
        This sort of thing is one of the recurring themes over at the Navy Safety Center, which shows pictures "caught in the act".


        • #5
          Holy cow! I'm glad you are still alive!

          We were once following someone in Phx traffic (80+mph) who had couch propped up on the cab of his truck and it kept moving like the wind was getting it. We moved into a different land and the poor driver behind us was the one who got hit.


          • #6
            I hope the guy stopped

