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One-Way Dumbassery

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  • One-Way Dumbassery

    Ahh, one way streets.

    It's easy to get confused and go down a one-way street the wrong way. But once you have, it's quite easy to see that you're going the wrong way. Unless you're the idiot from this morning.

    I was driving my boyfriend down for his daily breath alyzher, and we have to go down a one way street to get there. There are only two one way streets in this city (thank the Lord), one going one way, the one obviously going the other way, right next to each other.

    We're going down the one-way, tra la la la la, and all of a sudden I see a car a few blocks ahead coming straight at me.

    Oh shit.

    "He's going the wrong way!" I exclaim. My boyfriend says "That's great!"

    And he kept coming!

    "Well what the hell do I do?!" I yelled, because I was panicking. The other lane was all clogged up, naturally everyone else noticed and darted into the other lane as quick as possible, so I had no choice but to come to a stop in the middle of the road and see if he'd keep coming at me or come to his senses and realize he was a retard and turn down the right street.

    Oh, he finally saw the light....when all the cars that went past me went past him in the other lane. He then turned off, thank God.

    I can understand taking a wrong turn. Anyone can. But once you notice cars parked on the street facing the opposite way you're going, and you blow past several signs that say "ONE WAY" or show a turn with a line through it, wouldn't it click that you're going the WRONG WAY? Oh I forgot, no one reads signs. But then again, hello...parked cars in the opposite direction! HELLO?! And this moron went down several blocks before realizing he was going the wrong way!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Hubby and I have done that once.

    It was our first time in Idaho Falls, and we were there to visit his grandparents. (He'd been before, but never as the driver.) We had written driving directions to get to their house, but our directions didn't specifically mention that the last street we'd be going down was one-way. Nor did we notice the alternating one way signs we were passing approaching the street in question.

    We managed to miss the street. "Oh well," we figured, "we'll turn down the next one." So we did. We get about a third of the way down the block, when I say to Hubby, "Um, all the parked cars are pointed the other way."

    Oops. Luckily, the street was one-way for just one short block, and we encountered no oncoming cars. At the end of the street, all we actually needed to do was cross the intersection into a two-way version of the same exact street (same name and everything), and we were at his grandparents' house.

    To this day I don't know how we missed the Do Not Enter signs on that one street, but we never made the same mistake again.

    That being said...several blocks?
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


    • #3
      I'm just going to chalk it up to this huge problem we have in my neck of the woods....well, I suppose anywhere, but obviously since I'm almost up to one Roadkill post a's bad. People around here just seem to be in freakin la la land and contemplating their meaningless lives instead of paying attention to where they are going. I don't half of the people on the road are even paying attention to where they are going.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Did you know that the reflective bots dots on streets are red on the back?

        So, if you ever find yourself going the wrong way, the dots will throw back red reflections.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Salt Lake has idiots like that too... we have a total of two one way streets, one coming from 15 into downtown (600 south) and one going to 15 from downtown (500 south). I used to have a friend who would routinely go the wrong way down 500 south, not because he didn't realize that it was a one way street (though I'm sure that's why most people do it... let's not get into the fact that it is 4 lanes, with huge no entry, wrong way signs, all the lanes are white dashed lines, no yellow line in sight, so very obviously a one way street) but because "well, I only need to go a third of a block down and no one is coming"

          needless to say, that is a friendship that didn't last (and thank God he no longer recognizes me... otherwise that would have been a very awkward bus ride yesterday)
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

