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It's spring, that means childrren with a death wish

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  • #16
    Quoth raw456 View Post
    I had a near miss with a bike a couple of weeks ago.

    I was pulling out of my works driveway going left (Aussies drive on the left) So I was only looking out for traffic coming from my right.

    This is actually a pet peeve of mine...vehicles with drivers who are only going one way, so the only LOOK in one direction. I'm sorry, but if I'm a pedestrian with the right of way on a crosswalk, and some person is waiting only to turn right (or left, depending on what part of the world you're in) so they only look in ONE direction before pulling out, they're bound to not see me. I've had far far far too many close calls, with people almost hitting me because they don't look both ways. I don't care which way you're turning, look both ways, because pedestrians may need to be on the streets as well.

    In this case, yes the biker was a doofus. But speaking of obligations and responsibilities on the road, don't all drivers, technically have to look both ways before turning out? I'm not trying to come down on one person specifically, just a general wtf. I don't have a car. But I still find myself obeying more traffic laws than the average driver, and it's really irksome when I'm just trying to cross the street, and nearly get hit because someone can't take the time to look right (again, or left...).

    (disclaimer: This was written at an ungodly hour of the morning, so apologies for any rambling...)


    • #17
      I agree, Lupo. It's my job as a driver to look for *everything* not just other cars. That includes pedestrians, people on bicycles, animals and (as I've found out the hard way) inanimate objects.

      But a *bicyclist* who is going the wrong way can often be hard to spot in time because they can move so much faster than a pedestrian. The same can be said for a car going the wrong way, which I've encountered way more often than cyclists going the wrong way.

      So I look every direction, just in case. Even though a collision would the fault of the other driver or the cyclist, I'd rather not have one, you know?
      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

      The stupid is strong with this one.


      • #18
        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
        In this case, yes the biker was a doofus. But speaking of obligations and responsibilities on the road, don't all drivers, technically have to look both ways before turning out?
        I *always* look both ways before pulling out, even on a one-way street. Too many idiot drivers and people on bikes to worry about. In several areas, people see the "one way" signs as optional, especially on alleys

        Also, quite a few pedestrians (usually college students) do not look before crossing. They then scream at drivers, who are barely able to avoid splattering them.

        Then there are just idiots. These include those who will attempt to shove their friends out into traffic. Had that happen in Washington (PA) when I had my grandmother's car. I'm only doing about 30mph, but even at that speed, the 1995 Olds Cutlass Ciera 4-door I was in...would steamroll anyone who got in front of it. At least that kid got a "talking-to" from the cop who was behind me
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #19
          Ugh. I hate kids on bikes around here.

          There are no designated bike riding parts in the street, so they ride in the middle of the street. They look behind them and see cars, but still ride in the street,instead of going more towards the right to let the cars pass by. When I had to use my bike as transportation, I always rode on the side of the road,so cars could easily pass by.

          "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

          I belly dance with tall Goblins!

