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Two stupid drivers

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  • Two stupid drivers

    I don't know what the deal was yesterday but it seemed like no one could drive.

    I left my house in the morning to go pick up my friend. I pulled up to a four way intersection. I was turning left and had a red arrow.

    Across the street are three lanes. One to turn left at an arrow, one to go straight at a green light, and the last lane is a right-turn only lane where you have to yield to oncoming traffic.

    This means that when I have a green arrow, they have to wait to turn right.

    So as I was turning left, two cars across the street were going to turn right(onto the same, two lane road I was turning onto.)
    The first car that went had enough time to go and get out of my way, the second car didn't.
    Not to mention that I wanted to be in right lane of the road.

    The second car pulled out as I was approaching the street, TRYING to get into the lane I wanted to get in.

    I had to swerve into the left lane of the road as I honked my horn at them, and they didn't even look back or take notice.
    Next as I was approaching another intersection, I was going to turn right. There was a pedestrian jogging in place not on the sidewalk, but on the road.

    I assumed he was going to cross in front of me, but was waiting for the light to change so he would have the right of way. That would mean that I COULD'VE turned, had he not been jogging in place ON the road.

    So I had to sit there with my turn signal on, a green light in front of me until it changed, wondering what he was going to do. Then my light turned red, and the other traffic started going.

    When the traffic cleared, but still had a green light, the pedestrian crossed THAT road, where he technically didn't have the right of way. Why he didn't do it when they had a RED light is beyond me.
    Later in the day I was driving home. It was dark and rainy. I see up ahead a car on the left side in between two medians waiting to turn onto the road I was driving on(two lanes, I was in the left lane).

    When I first saw them, they barely had enough time to pull out of they were going to drive in my lane, though they had enough time if they were going to pull into the right lane.

    As I approached, they decided to pull out. Ok, it looked like they were going into the right lane. Cool. Then as I got even closer, quickly, they started to swerve into my lane, then decided to ride the middle line, effectively driving in both lanes.

    By now I had just enough time to slam on my breaks, honk my horn for a good five seconds, and manage to come within a foot of hitting them because they were driving in BOTH lanes for at least 6 or 7 seconds. They FINALLY moved and drove off.

    I think having to honk my horn twice in one day is too much.

  • #2
    I don't usually have the presence of mind to think about honking until it's too late...I tend to focus on not hitting/getting hit and by the time I think to hit the horn the idiot's already gone. Annoying, really.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      I don't usually have the presence of mind to think about honking until it's too late...I tend to focus on not hitting/getting hit and by the time I think to hit the horn the idiot's already gone. Annoying, really.
      Join the club, BookstoreEscapee. I usually only have time and presence of mind to use the horn when I'm at a light that's turned green and the car in front of me is essentially sleeping at the wheel. (Just a quick, "Hey, you can go now!" toot.) Rarely do I think to use the horn on the rest of the idiot drivers I encounter.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


      • #4
        Funny thing with me is, whenever someone isn't paying attention when the light turns green and just sits there, if I honk, they turn back at me and flip me off before they squeal the tires and take off as quick as possible. Or they just flip me off and take their sweet time going as slow as possible.

        Did it ever occur to you that I honked at you because I didn't want to sit through ANOTHER red light session and that you were holding up a bunch of people because you weren't paying attention? Oh sure, flip me off because I hurt your feelings. Wah.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          Funny thing with me is, whenever someone isn't paying attention when the light turns green and just sits there, if I honk, they turn back at me and flip me off before they squeal the tires and take off as quick as possible. Or they just flip me off and take their sweet time going as slow as possible.

          Did it ever occur to you that I honked at you because I didn't want to sit through ANOTHER red light session and that you were holding up a bunch of people because you weren't paying attention? Oh sure, flip me off because I hurt your feelings. Wah.
          We get that a lot at the stop light at the bridge by the tv station (same one I've complained about before.)

          During the mid to late afternoon, the way the sun is positioned overhead causes a bit of glare on the left turn signal light, making the green arrow kinda dark and hard to see.

          But, if you use this intersection pretty regularly, it doesn't take long to figure out if it's safe to go or not. If the traffic on the bridge has stopped, it means you can turn left onto the bridge to drive past them, even if you can't see the light too well.

          But we still have these dimwits who want to sit and talk on their phone at the light/pick their noses/scratch their asses and just generally sit there. These are the ones who get the horn section serenade.

          I'm expecting one of these days one of those nimrods will just sit there at the light and the traffic will be backed up several vehicles and all the other drivers stuck behind him are going to get out of their cars and rush over to the one holding up the light and drag the driver out, toss him over the side of the bridge toward Highway 29 (which runs underneath the bridge) and push the vehicle over the side after him/her just so they can get past and get to wherever they're going.

          In this neighborhood, it wouldn't surprise me any.
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

