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  • Whoops

    Big, big brain burp on my part.

    They're doing road work on my usual route to school, so I have to detour around one road down another road to get back on the road I detoured off of, and that spits me out at a light. Here's a shoddy diagram:


    The bottom part of the "greater than" sign is the road I detour onto, the top part is the road I follow to get back to the main road, and the light is at the top of the l.
    This detour only affects outbound (going south) traffic that heads up to aforementioned light.

    So I do the detour thing and wind up at the light just as it turns red. The car in front of me takes a right turn, since there's no "No Turn On Red" sign. So I scooch up to do the same, looking to my left to make sure the coast is clear. There's a wall in the way a bit, so I wait a little longer.

    There's a quick "beep!" behind me because I am not moving. I wave an apology because I still don't think the coast is clear yet.

    Then it dawns on me: no one's going to be coming from the left. That's the road work. They're getting detoured the way I just came. Hurr durr.

    I slap the side of my head with a "D'oh!" and I see the guy behind me laugh (thank goodness). I take my turn and all is well.

    I'm chalking this up to the coffee this morning not being strong enough. Or my common-sense-o-meter needs some repair.

  • #2
    That's nice the other driver wasn't trying to be a jerk. But it's good that you noticed the sign and still tried to make sure it was okay to turn... always important!! And I bet a really mean cop would still give a ticket for the "no turn on red" sign even though there was no traffic at all coming from that direction
    "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron

