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Winter Driving: Accident w/ bonus pwnage

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  • Winter Driving: Accident w/ bonus pwnage

    I live in New England. Today, my part of the area and eastern NY has been getting hit with 'snow squalls.' This leads to slick roads and blowing snow, sometimes near white outs when there's a big gust of wind. It is now nearly February, well into winter for our area. You would think people would have remembered how to drive in the snow by now. You would be wrong.

    I was listening to the radio talking about all the accidents along the major road that I take to work (where for the most part it was salted so well that the snow/ice has turned to slush) when I noticed a road flare up ahead of me. I was coming up the mountain, so I tapped the brakes to let the guy behind me know I was slowing and let gravity do most of the work.

    Raging douchewad in the SUV behind me blares on his horn. I can now see flashing blue lights in the middle of the 4 lane road ahead, just around the bend. So, I don't much care about the idiot behind me. He, of course, is so caught up in the 'MUST GO FASTER!' rage that he actually tries to pass me. Up a fairly steep incline. In slick road conditions, towards what is most likely an accident or major hazard.

    I let him by, he plows over the first road flare, finally notices that something is amiss and hits the brakes - hard. First rule of slick roads: Don't brake hard!

    Douchewad's SUV slews sideways, so he's now half into the oncoming lane, and I watch as his vehicle lurches and appears to be doing its best attempt at rollling over. Fortunately, going uphill worked to his advantage. His vehicle stayed upright and he skidded to a halt just short of the police truck. I carefully made my way around as a rather angry looking cop approached the SUV with his hand on his pistol. I'd have loved to stay and watch the ensuing show, but I was late for work and one of the other cops was waving me through.

    The accident itself looked like someone driving a sedan was headed up the mountain and using the leftmost lane (filled w/ ice and snow - they only salt the right hand lanes), lost control, and slid head on into oncoming traffic. Specifically, head on into a station wagon. There were 5 police vehicles, 7 cops, and the people were still in their steaming/smoking vehicles as I went by. A couple of ambulances with lights/sirens going were headed that way as I got to work a few minutes later.

    And, honestly, none of this needed to happen if people were using even a modicum of common sense about their winter driving. The car that appears to have lost control had Connecticut plates, so its not like snow is unusual in that area. Freaking morons. If it weren't for people like that, the roads would be much safer.
    Last edited by Gerrinson; 01-28-2010, 02:25 PM.

  • #2
    A few Thursdays ago, we had a little bitch of a snowstorm (I say little bitch because it was one of Mother Nature's little surprises where we are only supposed to get a trace but end up with a few inches or more).

    I took the old highway home, it took me 45 minutes to drive 15 miles, the roads were that bad and still not plowed, either.

    The next day I took the freeway home and saw in the median, an SUV from the previous day rolled over all the way upside down, with yellow tape surrounding the thing.

    Any time the roads are not in the "green" (per 511) I will NOT take the freeway home from work. Too many of the morning suicide drivers still wanting to go 80+ to work and passing on the bridges (!!!) and there are ALWAYS accidents there.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Um...Wow! That guy was both stupid, suicidal, stupid, and yeah stupid! I'm sure the police ripped him a new one!

      The other day we didn't have snow, but high winds. Lots of trees down, and of course, lots of accidents from people not paying attention to a fallen tree or wires. I tried to go to work 3-different ways and got detoured by police and rescue each time!
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        Only objection:

        It is now nearly February, well into winter for our area.
        Where in NE are you? It's still January here in the Berkshires.

        But yeah, people are idiots. I love that my driveway is jsut over the crest of the hill, so I always start tapping my brakes and left blinker early in the hopes people behind me might realize I may still be there when they get over the hill. Oh well. I haven't been rear ended yet. I should start a pool on how long it'll take.
        Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


        • #5
          Quoth AriRashkae View Post
          Only objection:
          Where in NE are you? It's still January here in the Berkshires.
          Jan 28th is nearly February. I suppose you can quibble over a few days if you want.

          And January in the Berkshires is Winter. I just drove the length of the county today and the highest temperature I saw was 10.


          • #6
            I kinda guessed you lived in the Berkshires.. I was on 8A yesterday... now that is one freaky route during the winter!


            • #7
              Quoth Gerrinson View Post
              Jan 28th is nearly February. I suppose you can quibble over a few days if you want.

              And January in the Berkshires is Winter. I just drove the length of the county today and the highest temperature I saw was 10.
              Sorry. Missed the "nearly" somehow.

              You saw 10 degrees? Lucky you! Of course, I didn't dare step outside after I took the little one to school and it read (I think) 4. When it was time to pick him up I pretended the thermometer didn't exist and averted my eyes. And prayed my car would start again.
              Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


              • #8
                It was 8 F when I left for work Friday morning. I think it got up to about 15 F. Pretty damn cold either way
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  was hit hard here too last thursday
                  even going like 20mph was a bit hairy. was glad the drive to college was a short one, even with the crappy weather.

                  but even on my tiny commute (2-3 min in good weather) there was already an accident on the road. still not sure how someone got stuck on the side of the road facing the wrong direction. O_o


                  • #10
                    Quoth PepperElf View Post
                    still not sure how someone got stuck on the side of the road facing the wrong direction. O_o
                    Ooh! I can explain that one. I saw it happen a few weeks back, again during crappy weather.

                    Some jackass in from of me, with his little sports car, wasn't satisfied with the speed everyone was going up the mountain. So, he decided to use the unplowed/unsalted left lane to pass (I'm not sure what these morons expect to accomplish, can they not see the snow/ice buildup? Is it the Emperor's New Snow?)

                    Anyway, he swings out into the left lane and revs his engine. His rear end whiplashes around his front end. His front end goes right back into the right hand lane, his rear end making a full 180 degree spin, and his whole car goes shooting off the right side of the road! And he wound up off the side of the road, facing the wrong direction. So that's how you do that.

                    Fortunately, the rest of us were going slow enough (gee, wonder why?) that we were able to slow down and miss him when he shot back through the lane.


                    • #11
                      I saw someone do that on the parkway last year. Road was perfectly clear, yet some idiot in a Daewoo...managed to back up traffic for miles. He apparently spun out (again, on a perfectly clear, dry road), and went into the wall backwards. Meaning, his car was at 90 degrees from the wall. How the hell did he do that?
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Yesterday as I was heading back from the UP, I watched dude in a Dodge Ram pulling a snowmobile trailer passing me like I was standing still. Then he started weaving in and out of traffic like he was in an MG or something. Sadly, I didn't see one of the cars in blue behind him later. This was even after both of us passed a truck that slid way off the road. I guess he had the attitude that it couldn't happen to him.


                        • #13
                          maybe. but this was a small hill.
                          though perhaps the driver was being stupid


                          • #14
                            Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                            Yesterday as I was heading back from the UP, I watched dude in a Dodge Ram pulling a snowmobile trailer passing me like I was standing still. Then he started weaving in and out of traffic like he was in an MG or something. Sadly, I didn't see one of the cars in blue behind him later. This was even after both of us passed a truck that slid way off the road. I guess he had the attitude that it couldn't happen to him.
                            Ah, you have described the classic symptoms of 4WD Invulnerability Syndrome! I see it all the time here... Anyone with 4WD drives as if it was a pleasant summer's day, regardless of road conditions.


                            • #15
                              Quoth VComps View Post
                              Ah, you have described the classic symptoms of 4WD Invulnerability Syndrome! I see it all the time here... Anyone with 4WD drives as if it was a pleasant summer's day, regardless of road conditions.
                              The sad part was that his trailer was swaying all over the place. One strong gust of wind in the wrong direction and he and his trailer are on the side of the road.

