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Would it kill you to signal?

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  • #16
    Quoth ditchdj View Post
    Yep just had some stupid tool lay on his horn at me because I just happened to "be in his way" when he wanted to change lanes, of course without signalling. How dare I not be able to read his mind and get in his way even though I legally had the right-of-way.
    I had someone once change lanes to pass me because I was going too slowly (assumption as to the reason of course), and honk when I tried to change into his lane (fair enough, it was a steep hill so I hadn't checked immediately before the lane change). He then, after honking, proceeded to change back INTO my lane, as when I checked after swerving back into my lane, he was behind me, not in the lane beside me. I'm not sure what he thought blowing the horn at me would make me do, but apparently I was supposed to know where he was going to be, and pick a lane based on that.

    (Rolls down his window afterwards and asks if I'm trying to get killed, not in a "you idiot" way, but in a "you scared me" way, so I explained that changing lanes after he honks the horn is a bad idea. He's just lucky I was on a bike, not in a car, we can move sideways more easily).


    • #17
      And the Hubby just told me about this one fun stunt he encountered the other day while on a run to the bank.

      He was driving down one of the streets in downtown which have one driving lane in either direction. He approached a stop light with an SUV already waiting. He stopped behind the SUV.

      Apparently the car behind him didn't want to wait. Without signalling, it pulled into the oncoming traffic lane, passed both Hubby and the SUV, and pulled in front of the SUV. It was ahead of the stop line, but at least had the sense not to completely run the red light. Nor was it turning or anything, just going straight and too impatient to stay behind two other cars.
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

