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Craptacular parking

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  • Craptacular parking

    Two stories, same apartment complex. One of the apartment complexes I deliver to has a long, narrow driveway that leads into their parking lot.

    Focus...on parking better

    This morning, a red Ford Focus had parked in the narrow driveway part. Visitors sometimes park here (though technically it's no parking). It wouldn't be a problem if he'd parked on the side. However, he was about 3 feet from the edge of the driveway. I couldn't get around him in my tiny car, meaning anyone parked in the lot couldn't get out.

    Six deep...and counting

    And while I'm talking about this particular apartment complex, this place also holds the record I've come across for double-parking.

    Right in front of this apartment complex, sharing the drive, is a large house. They were throwing a party, as they seem to like to do. This one was particularly large, and the parking lot was full.

    Cars were double-parked SIX deep! Previously, the most I'd encountered on my route was five.

    I parked behind them temporarily to make my delivery, making it seven deep, and I had to wait for a car that had pulled up behind me to unload several more inebriated partiers, for a grand total of eight cars piled up.

    As I was leaving, one of the tenants was staring at the lot that was absolutely packed with cars. He apparently needed to drive somewhere, and was complaining to the partiers that he couldn't get his car out. He seemed to urgently need to leave, but there was no way there were enough sober drivers to get those cars cleared out anytime soon.

    At least at the other complex where I previously had seen up to five cars, they had neatly parked behind the host's cars, and had left room for the other tenants to get in and out (it's a nice, unusually WIDE lot, so you can park them five deep and still get around). Here, people had simply pulled as far into the parking lot as they could and simply left there cars. They were parked at all sorts of odd angles all through the lot and down the driveway.

    What's worse, is that there's a business across the street that was closed for the weekend, which has a pretty decent sized lot. Several party guests were parked there already, and there was still enough room for every car that was double-parked to park there instead, so there wasn't really any reason to be packing the lot the way they were.
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    That's impressive. The most I have see was three.


    • #3
      And when the business comes into work the next morning, we'll get some stories from our local tow-truck drivers clearing the lot.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

