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Um... No. You can't park blocking my driveway.

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  • #31
    Find out who does the towing for your city/town. Try calling them...
    There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


    • #32
      We once had a white cargo van parked in front of our driveway for like an hour. The weird/creepy part is the driver was still in the van. Husband and I were paranoid that someone was staking the place out or something, so we called the cops and said we had a suspicious white van blocking our driveway.

      Turns out the house next to us is being sold, and the guy in the white van was a contractor. Still creepy nonetheless. We told the owners and the contractors to please not park there and block our driveway. We need our driveway to be clear at all times, because my son's therapists come to our house and need to be able to get up and down it, without trouble.


      • #33
        Hmm. I've had no problem getting people blocking my driveway towed.

        I used to live in a small town. The fire company was across the way and had a big fair every year to raise money. The owner of the empty lot across the street from my house used it for event parking (which was free, btw).

        One day I need to get out of the drive to go somewhere, and some doofus is parked in my drive. Being basically a nice person, I walked across the way to the fair and asked the folks running the event to put an annoucement over the speaker for the car (description and license plate #) to move their car out of my drive.

        20 minutes later, still there. I called the tow company and they took the car, no problem.

        Owner was ticked, but he'd been warned. Not my problem
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #34
          Quoth boringscreenname View Post
          We once had a white cargo van parked in front of our driveway for like an hour. The weird/creepy part is the driver was still in the van. Husband and I were paranoid that someone was staking the place out or something, so we called the cops and said we had a suspicious white van blocking our driveway.
          My first thought was that he was stealing your wi-fi. Perhaps doing something shady on his laptop that he didn't want traced back to his home IP.

          (If you do have a wireless router, please do yourselves a favor and make sure it's secured. Even if you're not using the wireless part of it, others might be trying to. That goes for everyone else reading this too.)


          • #35
            I live right next to both a high school, a middle school AND a Boys & Girl's Club. we allow my cousin who currently attends the high school to park her car in our lot, no problem. Before she did, though, one girl decided that parking her car there all day would be a good thing! Dad going up to her and tapping on her window as she was doing her hair before she left after school stopped that.

            Said high school doesn't have much parking, therefore we have people parking up and down our street. Not a problem until they leave trash on our lawn. Again, phone call to the school took care of the problem.

            At dad's place of business, he needs a "loading zone" so he can load and unload boxes. The high school right next door also has no parking. Sadly, he's not allowed to call the towing company per the police telling him he couldn't; however, he IS allowed to call the police, who ticket the offenders.
            Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

