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Bad driving hat trick

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  • Bad driving hat trick

    While running a quick shopping errand yesterday, I encountered a trio of facepalm-worthy driving maneuvers.

    Pulling into the store parking lot can be a tricky matter. Coming from the main road by the store, one can turn left halfway down to pull into the lot, or turn left a bit later to follow the driving lane directly in front of the store. For the first left turn, there are no stop signs. At all.

    Within the parking lot, there are two stop signs, one for either direction approaching that entrance/exit.

    I was taking that first left turn into the lot, just barely entering (no stop sign for me), when I saw the lot monitor's vehicle approaching. Company logo on the side, flashing light on top. It didn't show signs of slowing for its stop sign at all, so I slowed down a bit.

    And it completely ran its stop sign right in front of me. Had I not been paying attention, they would've T-boned me.

    I think I found Edward Cullen's car.

    I don't have the means currently to get the photo I took off of my cell phone and onto my computer, so I'll do my best to describe it.

    For starters, and the reason I noticed it, it was parked some five spaces away from the nearest car, diagonally across its space so its nose dipped into one adjacent space and its tail encroached upon the other. Had someone wished to park in either adjacent space, it would've been impossible to avoid scratching Mr. Pretentious's Entitlementmobile.

    Already paying attention and wishing I could chew out the owner, I then noticed that the dark paint was not, in fact, black, but a very deep, deep purple with a maroon glitter finish. A very noticeable glitter finish. It was almost like the glitter was actually sequins. The rims looked suspiciously like spinners as well.

    So I dubbed it Edward Cullen's car, because it's mopey-looking, antisocial (would you park like that if you wanted people near you?), and it sparkles.

    On the way back out after picking up the few items I needed, I waited in the left-turn lane to pull out onto the main road. There was near-gridlock across the road, though I didn't notice just how bad until I was already into the intersection (so bad me, there). I turned out that further down in the direction I needed to go, one of the two lanes was closed for some reason I couldn't see.

    I didn't discover this lane closure until the gigantic flatbed truck next to me started merging into me, without signalling of course. And they were conveniently blocking all the "lane closed, merge right" signs from my view.

    Thank you, Mr. Truck Driver, for ignoring the presence of your massive trailer while merging.

    On the plus side, though, we now have The Princess and the Frog, and will be watching it tomorrow night.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

  • #2
    Appropriate movie, since you already played Frogger.
    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


    • #3
      I think you were at my mall! We have 2-cars that CONSTANTLY PARK like that! Only they're red & blue; Maybe it's Emmet or Jasper...

      I really, really hate when people run the stop signs in our lots; because we have those t-intersections too where vehicles entering have the right of way. I did a week-long survey and found that 75% of vehicles run the stop signs; I witnessed a half-dozen near accidents. But people don't figure traffic laws apply in a parking lot. And since it's private property the police can only write-up accidents as 'no fault' for insurance purposes. Sucks sometimes.
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        People are also supposed to stop when entering main lanes of traffic....I think they are also supposed to stop at pedestrian crossing points.

