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    So this weekend is the 25th anniversary of the 4 wheel Jamburee, always held at our fair grounds. Cops are out like mad! But this, of course, doesn't mean dumb drivers aren't going to be out.

    4X4 Only
    So, I'm pulling into a resturant parking lot pretty close to the fair grounds during my break between classes. i get ready to park when a very LARGE jeep something-or-another comes in from the opposite direction (which is the exit btw) and guns into the spot I was going into. I slam on my brakes.

    Jeep Dude: JD
    Me: duh

    Me: What the hell?
    JD: You snooze you loose! Besides, this parking is for 4x4's only, bitch!
    Me: *death glare in full* Well then, I can park here.
    JD: *shit eating grin fads a little* What?
    Me: Lucky me, this truck happens to have 4x4.
    JD: NO fucking way!
    Me: Way. Oh, and look. It seems the owner of this establishment wants to talk.

    The owner of the resturant (who I've known since I was like 5) walks up and starts yelling and hand gesturing at the Jeep guy for taking my spot, which I was obviously pulling into (there were many other open spots as well, so obviously, he did it just to be a jerk), not to mention coming in the exit and harassing the patrons (apparently he did this earlier to other customers).

    O: Get the hell off my property! You are no longer allowed at this establishment.
    JD: *stammers like a little girl before whipping out of the parking lot*
    Me: Thanks "Jim".
    O: Hey, no problem. Come on in, usual table?
    Me: Of course.

    Red means STOP! PLEASE!
    So many stupid people in this town, I swear! Me and a friend of mine and my boyfriend were out, running errands while my bf was home, cleaning for the party we were gonna have. At almost every fricking stop light, there was one person who run the light. We nearly got hit three times! The insanity! One of them was on our last stop, getting something to eat. We're at a stop light at a very odd intersection. There's the main road, a road to the left slightly, then there's the road we're on thats perpendicular to the main road. Our light finally turns green and we start to pull out to make our right hand turn when this green SUV barrels out of nowhere and just keeps going through the light (note, every light except ours is red) My friend stomps on the break and honks. The SUV stops in the middle of the road and starts cussing us out.

    SUV: Learn to fucking drive you fucking moron.
    Me: How bout you learn first! Fisrt rule of driving: RED MEANS STOP ASSHOLE!
    He then looks at the light, realizes his is red. He then flips us off and continues through the intersection.

    Where are all the cops in all this? Literally, almost every squad car for HP, Sheriff's, and local are all out on Harding Highway, where the fairgrounds are. This is ridiculous! I hate this town during summer. So much stuff goes on at the fairgrounds, the police think that's the only thing that needs to be watched. What about the town itself? You are on the outskirts, watching over something that may need only 3 maybe 4 squad cars. Not the whole damn city's worth! Grrr!!!
    Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

    "I put the laughter in slaughter."