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Who the hell gives these people driver's licenses?!

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  • Who the hell gives these people driver's licenses?!

    This is why I don't like going anyplace by myself half the time.

    The shortest possible way I could put the prologue is that I headed out to make a loan payment and get ingredients for tomorrow night's dinner. I call my girlfriend and let her know I'm done and on my way home, and she offers to come pick me up. Since the key ingredient was chicken breasts and it was kind of a hot day, I said okay. So I sit and wait in a cool part of the front of the store. The fun begins.

    Is It Schadenfreude To Enjoy Irony?

    While I'm waiting on my girlfriend, I notice a car just... stopped at the end of one of the parking lot's sections. Not on the phone, not waiting for anyone to buckle their seatbelt, they just stopped. Someone behind this guy honks their horn, and he moves.

    Lucky for him, the section he turned into was about to have a free parking spot. Unlucky for him, the person pulling out of said spot just... stopped. Also for no reason.

    I just shake my head at this.

    I'm At The Intersection Of In-A-Hurry And Fuck-The-Red-Lights

    A third of the way home, we're approaching an intersection at the same time as three other cars, one the same direction as us and two in the opposite lanes from us. We've all got the green light... or so we thought. All four cars have to hit the brakes just in time to avoid getting T-boned by a speeding moron in a white truck, and a harmony of car horns blare at the stupid-ass, who doesn't even show any sign of paying attention.

    I'd have written it off as a medical emergency if it weren't for the fact that the moron was alone in his truck!

    No Excuses. NONE AT ALL.

    God, this is the one that almost gave me a stroke, I was so pissed. Halfway home, we're in the right-hand lane, and there's a gold SUV right next to us. We stop, check the intersection to make sure nobody's coming, and the next thing we know, the moron is making a right-hand turn. My girlfriend slams on the brakes, and the guy ends up so close to our car, I swear I could count the scratches on his paint job.

    What makes this even worse is the fact that when we glared at him and started shouting at him (since we were still pissed from the first moron that almost hit us), he actually had the balls to give us a hangdog, completely stupid 'what did I do?' look. I really, really wanted to just jump out of the car, drag him out of his, and let him know what I thought of his idiocy.

    The good news is that we both made it home safely, and there's no damage whatsoever to the car. But I'm still pissed about the whole thing, namely because if I had decided to take the bus home like I planned, I probably would've ended up one of these morons' hood ornament!
    My other car is a Mackinaw.

  • #2
    There was a news story last year about an elderly woman who finally got her driver's license, scoring the minimum 60 out of 100 points, after having failed the test on more than 900 previous attempts.
    Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

    "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


    • #3
      Quoth infinitemonkies View Post
      There was a news story last year about an elderly woman who finally got her driver's license, scoring the minimum 60 out of 100 points, after having failed the test on more than 900 previous attempts.
      I think we're safe here in the US, though. She's in S. Korea.
      Dull women have immaculate homes.


      • #4
        They let her keep taking it? That's one persistant old lady.


        • #5
          Quoth Exaspera View Post
          I think we're safe here in the US, though. She's in S. Korea.
          Instead, here in the US, we have the people whose driving ability (skill, common sense, what have you) goes downhill fast after getting their license, but they happen to live in one of those states with the licenses that almost never expire and are just a fee to renew (because they never get ticketed, either).
          "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
          - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


          • #6
            Quoth ZedOmega View Post
            All four cars have to hit the brakes just in time to avoid getting T-boned by a speeding moron in a white truck, and a harmony of car horns blare at the stupid-ass, who doesn't even show any sign of paying attention.

            I'd have written it off as a medical emergency if it weren't for the fact that the moron was alone in his truck!
            It's nice to know that there are other people in the world who use their horns for such things. The 20 or so years I lived in Utah, the only times I ever heard a horn blasted at some red-light-runner (and I saw plenty of those) were when it was my own.

            And for the medical emergency thing, if I was speeding and breaking traffic rules to get somewhere in a hurry for the purpose of saving a life, you can bet that all my car's lights would be on, and I'd be laying on the horn to let everybody know I was coming.

            Yeah, I bike to work now. When it comes to dodging morons behind the wheel, it's not any better than driving. Scarier, sometimes. I wish my bike had a horn...
            I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
            - Bill Watterson

            My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
            - IPF

