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My housemate is a terrible driver

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  • My housemate is a terrible driver

    I live in a house with 5 other guys, it's a big house so not as bad as it sounds (considering my room is larger than any apartment I ever had 17.5 feet by 15.5 feet). anyway, 3 of us have cars which leaves any one of us as the primary transportation for the other 3. most of the time I am the driver since I get paid the most, so gas isn't a big deal, and have the nicer car out of the 6. the other housemate has a HUGE boat of a van so he usually uses it for work and we try to avoid using it for general purposes since some of us get car sick in it. the 3rd has a 2 door car with 5 seats in it. This housemate is labeled the worst driver among us.

    What makes him a bad driver? well one year my car was back on the shore with my folks for a few reasons, so he became the primary driver. one night we went to the movies and it was the night I decided to never drive with him again, if I could avoid it. He ran 3 stop signs on the way to the movies, which made me nervous as is, but it got worse.

    It was a cold day, so he turned the heat on for us, after much begging, but put it on for inside air... well you can imagine the windows fogged up almost instanly. I told him to turn it to outside but he kept telling me I was wrong. these windows just stayed with a thick layer of fog until we got to a light. he turns left, but since he can't see jack he jump a curb into a parking lot... suddenly flashing lights turn on behind us and it's very obviously a cop. he starts to freak and decided to nonchalantly drive into the parking lot as if he meant to jump the curb. I guess it worked, or the cop had better things to do, and the police car went the other way. he explained he was nervous because he didn't have his lisence on him, which he lost 2 months ago.... I wanted to slap it.

    After the movie I relized why he is so against being the primary driver. he has to pay for gas, which we help, but the reason he thinks gas is a big deal is because it floors it at every block. he can see there is a stop sign every single street, flooring it won't get us to where we need to be any faster and you can watch his gas gauge go down every block he puts his foot to the floor.

    He takes turns as if his car is on fire. One of our housemates thought he got car sick because it of just the way he was. but he found out, after driving with me and my other housemate, that it was because this housemate is going full speed on turns. this causes him to get very sick when being his passanger. I have been in the car a few times with him and found myself stomping on invisible breaks everytime we came within inches of parked cars along the road and fire hydrants at every turn.

    Ugh... I'm so glad I have my car back.

  • #2
    Sounds like the kind of person who, when he's the passenger and decides you are going to slow, will reach over with his foot and push your accelerator foot to the floor! I had one asshole do this to me -- he never rode in my car again, and he's lucky we all survived!
    I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


    • #3
      Quoth Captain Trips View Post
      Sounds like the kind of person who, when he's the passenger and decides you are going to slow, will reach over with his foot and push your accelerator foot to the floor! I had one asshole do this to me -- he never rode in my car again, and he's lucky we all survived!
      If anyone ever did that to me, they would out of my car in a flash, probably with a bloody nose.
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


      • #4
        That's where some of the techniques for stopping a car with a jammed accelerator might come in handy.


        • #5
          Quoth Captain Trips View Post
          Sounds like the kind of person who, when he's the passenger and decides you are going to slow, will reach over with his foot and push your accelerator foot to the floor! I had one asshole do this to me -- he never rode in my car again, and he's lucky we all survived!

          Anybody tries that on me is gonna get my right elbow in his teeth, and will promptly be ejected from the car. If I'm feeling generous I might stop the car first. I mean seriously. You don't interfere with the driver, ever. (Unless he's passed out or something.)

          Not that it will ever happen in my Blazer, because of the center console blocking his foot. Although nobody I know would pull a bonehead move such as that anyway.


          • #6
            Quoth Shalom View Post

            Anybody tries that on me is gonna get my right elbow in his teeth, and will promptly be ejected from the car. If I'm feeling generous I might stop the car first. I mean seriously. You don't interfere with the driver, ever. (Unless he's passed out or something.)
            I was just thinking much the same thing. Good heavens, where do some of these people get the idea that pushing down the driver's foot is appropriate?
            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


            • #7
              Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
              If anyone ever did that to me, they would out of my car in a flash, probably with a bloody nose.
              Ditto. I don't care if we were on the 441 bridge in gridlock. He would have to find his way off the bridge on his own.

              NEVER physically interfere with the driver.


              • #8
                I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

