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What Was That About?

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  • What Was That About?

    Last night, on the way to bf's house......I don't know what this was about or what this guy's (or girl, but I'm pretty sure it was a guy) problem was. Just random.

    Bf lives a few miles out of town, not in BFE but not in a very densely populated area either. You can either take a street down by my place to a county road with a slow speed limit and tons of curves to get there, or you can go along by the gym I go to where it's a faster highway, and turn off onto that county road with the slower limit.

    Anyways, right before the turn onto the slower road, I come literally roaring up on this really old Dodge pickemup truck. I mean, before the turn, he had to have been going 35 maybe 40, I came roaring up on him at 55 and had to back off. We both turn right, now it's speed limit 35 until we get to the dip and the hill, after the stop it'll be 45.

    He is coasting between 25-30. I don't think he's even touching the gas. I am trying to stay back, really I am, because I hate tailgaters and I'm not about to risk wrecking my new car (I don't advocate it if you have a shitty car, but now that I've gotten a newer car, I do drive a little faster on freeways and highways because I now have a car that actually works, but I'm tons tons tons more careful about everywhere I go). I am riding my brakes. I rode them from the moment we turned right to avoid getting too close to him. I'm sure to some people I probably was too close either way, I could not get my damn car to stay back, I just kept gently riding my brakes instead of hitting them hard repeatedly.

    We get to a dip, and then an incline. The 4 way stop is at the very crest of the hill (a total nightmare in the winter).

    I don't know how he doesn't kill it on the way up, we got down to almost 20 mph as we went up.

    Then he does it. He gets to right behind the stop sign and he slams his brakes as hard as he can, probably because he's either paranoid that I'm following him (I will admit I have felt the same when someone follows me close for a while) or he's pissed at me for being close to him.

    It wasn't too close of a call, as I wasn't dangerously close to begin with, I just had to give the brakes a little more pressure than I should have had to if he'd stopped normally.

    It was a short stop. Then, just to be a gentleman and thank me for following him along all this way, he revs er up, I hear squealing, and in the dark looks like smoke forming all along the back of his truck and the front of my car (it's dust, though). He then rockets off and spits a bunch of loose gravel at me (no thanks to this retarded city's idea of putting loose gravel all over the place for whatever dumb reason, even out in the sticks there is loose gravel everywhere!).

    So yes, he rockets off as fast as that truck will go, the dust clouds settling as I sit at that stop sign like to to MY NEW CAR and I proceed on and get to bf's house but since it's so dark, I just try to run my hands along the front of my car to feel for dents.

    Whew. Come this morning, no damage. I should have figured it wouldn't be that bad because there is so much loose gravel everywhere and I did take my car joy riding through a gravel road already once and nothing happened.

    But seriously, wtf was that about? And was it really necessary to slam the brakes and then just rocket off?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Some people are just arseholes.


    • #3
      He had to show he was the big man in the situation by trying to shoot rocks at your car.

      Sounds like he failed epically to me.
      There had to be DUMB in the water today. - Summerfly413

