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What am I supposed to do, levitate? Plus added bonus story

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  • What am I supposed to do, levitate? Plus added bonus story

    My route to work and my way home from work are two different roads due to various construction projects. One way is better in the morning and one is better in the evening.

    However tonight, as it has been the past week or so, the evening route has been more and more congested (probably due to restriping on the highways and a lane being taken away). On this main road, the speed limit is, until you get to the highway, 45mph. But the fastest anyone can seem to go is 30-35mph. There's nothing anyone can do because there are so many people on this normally not so busy road.

    Tonight was no different and I was stuck behind several cars going about 30mph. The car behind me kept getting close, then backed off, only to tailgate me again. After a few minutes of this, the idiot driver decides why not flash their lights and honk at me. Obviously I'm not going fast enough for them, despite me not being able to move faster. I just wave my hand and keep going as fast as traffic will let me.

    Eventually we make it to the highway and idiot driver peels out and screeches to a halt a mere few inches from a cop. I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure the lights that came on from the cop car were for the idiot driver, since he didn't move anywhere after the light turned green.

    Bonus story:

    I'm almost home and at the light to turn left. Traffic is just as bad here, so rather than try to guess that there's a gap in traffic, I wait. A gap finally opens up, but just as I'm about to go, I hear sirens and see an ambulance and a fire truck speeding down the opposite way, so I have to wait. Another idiot behind me honks their horn at me, then peels out from behind me and does what can only be called the least kosher move by trying to turn left and nearly getting plowed by the fire truck. He narrowly misses getting smashed into. Obviously wherever he was going was worth nearly losing his life over.
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

  • #2
    I hate people that tailgate when there is a string of cars in front of me.


    • #3
      and sure i understand being upset - i get upset too when traffic is stuck - but honking at the person in front of you doesn't fix it because he or she can't go anywhere either.

      one of the highways that goes though the city is always under construction so I just avoid driving on it. speed limit is 40 but you end up doing 20 tops. Whenever I need to take that highway north of the city here, I drive out to the onramp just past the mall, bypassing the construction & congestion completely.

