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Road rage and lots of bad luck (language, very very long)

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  • Road rage and lots of bad luck (language, very very long)

    This is a story from a couple of months ago. Like a real drama this one unfolds in 3 acts (actually 4, but I consider one as an introduction). It also involves the kind of coincidence that you can only see in fiction with the weakest of plots, yet reality is sometimes stranger than fiction.

    Introduction) I was driving to my university after a weekend. My brother was with me in the car, as he would be driving it back home after dropping me off. We had just passed a construction site were one lane was closed, so there was quite a bit of traffic, with the right lane being one truck after another. I was passing them in the left lane and while doing so a nice line of cars was building up behind me. Driving just at the speed limit means you're far from the fastest car on a Belgian freeway, most people have no problem driving 5 or 10 kph over the limit. One driver was less pleased than all the others though. We could see him pulling to the right lane just in front of a truck and trying to pass the complete line and us in the right hand lane. He wasn't quite fast enough though, as we were next to the truck before he could overtake us. Seeing as no one would let the guy back in line he was stuck behind that truck for some time.

    1) Of course, if that was all there is to this story it wouldn't turn up here. Some 5 minutes later I had passed the line of trucks and was back in the right lane, the line of cars behind me had passed me in turn. One car however, didn't pass me, and you get no points for guessing who it was. It was indeed our lovely chap from the introduction, a 50-something guy in an old, cheap car which seemed like he bought if from a 18-year old who still thinks the whole 'no fear' style is cool. He was gesturing wildly to get us to pull over, while he had an orange warning light flashing in his car. Needless to say I didn't think pulling over would have been a good idea and when he started to swing towards us like he was going to push us of the road I had my brother call the police. While my brother was doing that the other guy decided to chance tactics and got in front of me and started slowing down. (Which seems counter-productive if your pissed off about me slowing you down, but well...). It didn't take long for us to be slowed down to about 60 kph, half the max speed and at that point I was getting rather scared. Stopping with that guy around didn't seem like a good idea, and passing him was almost worse, I'd bet money he'd try to cut me off whichever way I went and other traffic was speeding by twice as fast as us, so there'd be the danger of hitting them as well. At that time, for reasons still rather unclear, he decided to pull over onto the emergency lane himself. I passed him, still very cautious and went on my way again. They guy stayed on the shoulder of the road as long as I could still see him in my mirrors. In the meantime my brother had given the license plate number to the police and relayed what was happening.

    2) Luck wasn't on our side though and as I kept to the speed limit the other guy didn't. He caught up to us again and even though he had stopped and let us go on earlier he had clearly reversed his decision. Again he was gesturing us to pull over, though traffic was a bit heavier now and he didn't repeat his dangerous manoeuvres. I decided to get off on the next off-ramp to get away from him as my brother phoned the police again. However, the guy now started tailgating so turning off the freeway would be dangerous and he could still follow us anyway. The last off-ramp before I the one I had to take seemed to be the one for him though and we thought we had seen the last of him, but then we wouldn't get a third act, so you know more is coming up.

    3) Remember he took the off-ramp just before the one I was going to take ? Well, with my destination it doesn't really matter which one you take, it's purely personal preference. His preference was the first one, mine the second. Yes, we managed to piss off the one guy on the freeway that had nearly the exact same destination as us. Imagine my surprise as I was turning into the street where I was going to park and see him, in his car, waiting to turn out of that street. He made a U-turn and for the third time he decided following me was a good waste of his time. Now I wasn't planning on getting out of my car and showing him were I lived, so I circled the block once, while my brother phoned the police a third time. The guy kept following and I decided enough was enough. I pulled over near fast-food stand with a lot of people, which my brother relayed to the police. I got out and confronted him, loudly asking why he was following us, while my brother asked the people waiting there for help. The guy had made a quick turn-around though. In his car he had been doing life-threatening manoeuvres, out of his car he seemed calm. The fact that he, a skinny 50-year old, was now facing two 20-year olds, the smallest of which had 10cm and 15 kilos on him might have had something to do with that though. My recollection of all that happened between that and the police arriving is pretty bad though, but the gist of the conversation between us is in the next couple of lines.

    - Why the *** are you following us ?
    * Because you were doing 60kph on a freeway and that's illegal and someone had to tell you. (Actually we did, after he cut us off)
    - We've called the police three times, by now they are on their way here, are you seriously going to wait for them to tell them what you think we did was illegal after all the stuff you did and which has already been reported ?
    * Yes

    So we waited for the police to arrive.

    Once the police arrive it was mainly giving the story, as above. It was rather nice to see the police searching trough the guys car for anything that shouldn't be there. The best part, hearing one of them saying 'Can we get him for impersonating a police officer for using an orange light to try and pull people over?' I actually have no idea what happened to him after that, whether he got charged with anything or not, but I'm hoping he has been. With all the time lost waiting for the police and giving statements I lost the better part of a quite enjoyable evening with my friends, though giving 'high speed car chases and the police' without having to lie did make up for that for a bit.

  • #2
    I....Have no words.

    So he pretty much did something stupid which forced you to make a decision, which he decided wasn't the correct one, and chased you around town to tell you what you did wrong!? Pretty much a set up, because he had nothing to 'pull you over for' until he caused the problem. I hope the police gave him a nice shiny set of bracelets!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      He'd have gotten arrested in the US if he tried the orange light thing. It's illegal everyone to have lights like that in your car unless you are a member of a fire company, ambulance company (public, not private), or a cop . . . and even then you have to have a special permit detailing why you need one (the volunteer fire fighters use them to get through traffic to get to the fires).

      It is also illegal to impersonate a police office, and cops here take that very seriously.

      I wouldn't have pulled over either; I'd be afraid the other guy had a gun.
      I wouldn't try to pull someone like that over: I'd be afraid the other guy had a gun.
      They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


      • #4
        Quoth Panacea View Post
        I wouldn't have pulled over either; I'd be afraid the other guy had a gun.
        I wouldn't try to pull someone like that over: I'd be afraid the other guy had a gun.
        It's a lot less likely they'd have a gun in the UK.

        But don't let that stop you from being afraid. He'll just have a knife, instead.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
          It's a lot less likely they'd have a gun in the UK.
          Belgium, I think. Still true on both counts.
          I think that police cars in Belgium, as in Denmark, has blue lights.


          • #6
            That's probably an EU-wide standard: blue lights for dedicated emergency vehicles (including unmarked police cars), yellow lights for slow-moving vehicles, and green lights for people who need priority but don't have emergency-driver training (doctors, vets, electricians etc).

            Why electricians? Because they have to turn off the power before the fire brigade can properly tackle some types of fire.


            • #7
              volunteers still get lights here (light blue). i saw one a couple of weeks ago, flashing, but the driver was stopping for traffic lights. so for us in ny it's more of a courtesy light. the other drivers don't have to give you the right of way, but if they're nice and considerate they will.

              but yeah impersonating an officer, and road-raging against someone? that's not acceptable behavior - even if he dislikes the speed you were going.

              what he should have done is just what you did - called the police instead of trying to take the law into his own hands.

              just because he's pissy doesn't mean he automatically gains the authority - or the training - that the officers go through.


              • #8
                He's damn lucky he didn't do that over here. Particularly down here in the South. He'd be dead.

                I don't mean that figuratively.

