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Silly Lady

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  • Silly Lady

    So im cruising down a 4 lane road in town, a lady in a black VW is waiting to make a Turn.

    Im in the far right lane, she is 3 lanes away going to turn left (to match my direction) so SHOULD turn into the lane to the right of me, but instead doesnt look, floors it, almost sideswipes me, and then proceeds to honk, flip me off (in front of her daughter) and ride my ass all the way to a stop light.

    We get to the light (its a long one, about 3-5 minutes depending on traffic, i hate it) and she swerves in the lane next to me, she flips me off, pointing, snarling and...laughing. So ive had enough, ive got the time and roll down my window.

    At this point my window is closest to the daughter, my drivers side to their passengers.

    Me: Is there a problem?!

    Mom: Well i was just explaining to my daughter that if i had rear ended you, you would have been at fault and wed have a new car, since you were going over the limit and interfered with my turn!

    Me: Considering you should have enough control over your vehicle to turn into the lane CLOSEST to you, as per law, then no, you would be at fault.

    Mom: Whatever, get in my way again and ill smash your piece of shit import, its worth nothing anyways, all you import drivers are assholes!

    Me: You compared my $30,000 civic SI, to your $10,000 max old ass VW jetta...which is German...and an import. Lady get a life. *looking at daughter* get driving instructions dear, dont learn from her

    *cue green light and me taking off* no way i was letting that nut job see where i was going lol.

    Seriously, i know i drive a civic, and thousands of fast and furious wannabes ruin it for us, and yes SOMETIMES on the highway i drive like an asshole with nobody around, but i wasnt, and didnt need some lady bitching and moaning at me lol. Especially with the "import driver" crap that people seem to feel the need to throw out whenever you drive a honda....cause theyre the only imports :P

  • #2
    Yeah, I don't get the import hate.

    And what do you want to bet she'd pull the same crap if she were driving an Acura?

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

