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Disabled Parking spots

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  • Disabled Parking spots

    Disabled parking spots is one of my bugbears - my Mother is disabled and has a disabled parking ticket on my car. This allows me to park in the disabled spots if she is in the car.

    A number of times recently I have not been able to park in the disabled spot nearest the Post Office because the Postal contractor has his van in that spot.

    This afternoon he was in the spot when I pulled up, and after I had time to check my post box, go inside the post office (and wait in line) to collect more mail and come back out, he was still there.

    Our conversation went like this:-

    Me: Excuse me, but do you realise that this is a handicapped spot? (Of course he does, I was being polite)

    PC: Yes, but it doesn't matter because I only stop for a couple of minutes. (Bullshit! See above)

    Me: That's not the point...

    PC: (interrupting and raising his voice) It's none of your business - NOW FUCK OFF!

    Me: (Walking to my car for pen and paper so I could write down his license plate number)

    So I came home and rang the corporate offices of our post office and put in a formal complaint. I am waiting for their answer.

  • #2
    So he wants a remote-tion to post-hole contracter?

    "Gooberfarce, that hole's too big. Shrink it!"
    I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
    Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
    Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


    • #3
      There's one disabled parking spot on my paper route that I steal -- I pull in, step out, toss the paper, step in, and drive off, so I'm only there for seconds rather than minutes (and at 3am, few people are going to need it).

      If, on the off chance someone pulled up needing that spot in the 20 or so seconds I'm there, I would happily move my car, and I certainly wouldn't tell them to f*** off.

      (Parking is tight by the University, and I sometimes have to make up "creative" parking spots on my route. I'm never more than a few feet away, though, and so far the Police don't seem to mind. If I have to be out of my car for more than a minute, though, I'm more discerning in my choice of parking spaces.)
      Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

