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  • My

    I drive about idk 8 miles to work, one way. most of my commute is fine and dandy, but once i get within a mile or so of my store, everything falls apart. see: yesterday

    i just passed another BVS and now within a mile of my store (theres 5 in this town alone) there is a light. 3 lanes...1 left turn and 2 straight (right straight can turn right as well) so each direction gets their left turn signals. then the rest of the lights turn green. i am in the left straight lane. light is green. we dont move. the first car up front realized after the green arrows ended, they needed to go left, so they turned their car, but still were blocking the entire lane. so we all missed that light while they made their left turn as the light turned red. ass.

    so green light again and we get to go..yay! i go down the road a little bit and as usual, someone is trying to turn left, with no turn lane. (each way is two lanes). i get stuck right behind this car waiting to turn, and there is a car right behind me, so i cant go around to the right, cuz im stuck and theres traffic anyways. sooo they are about to make their turn and as they turn i start going, and the jerkwad who was behind me, flies around me around my right to cut me off and make a left turn, all with no signal lights. WTFFF

    a few more red lights..mind you this is all one road, maybe a half mile. now were at the big intersection. my side is 1 left turn lane, 2 straight, 1 right turn. we get the green arrow, and the first car just sits there...sits...FINALLY goes and surprise i actually made the green light!! so im finally on the road that my store is on. and need to make a right to the street that brings you to the parking lot. im behind a slow bmw. practically miss that light, and they take their sweet time turning, with NO signal light. i wasnt aware signal lights were not a given on bmw :P

    i get in the dang parking lot to see its almost full. on a tuesday!! not normal. the lot had been plowed and cleared, but people were still making their own spots or taking 2 at a time. circle around a few times and finally get one.

    on my way home i had been behind another car that practically sat through an entire light cuz about halfway thru the light of just sitting there they realized they had to turn left with no signal. GAHHHH

  • #2
    That sounds like the middle of my commute every day. I have three miles of highway speed on each side of the town. But in the middle it's a buffet of uber-sucky driving.

    That's why my 20 mile commute (with an average speed limit of 40) takes a full hour on the way home. Mornings are slightly better as long as I time it to miss the school buses - then it's only 45 minutes.


    • #3
      Quoth Gerrinson View Post
      That sounds like the middle of my commute every day. I have three miles of highway speed on each side of the town. But in the middle it's a buffet of uber-sucky driving.

      That's why my 20 mile commute (with an average speed limit of 40) takes a full hour on the way home. Mornings are slightly better as long as I time it to miss the school buses - then it's only 45 minutes.
      since i usually go in at 2, i can miss all the school buses..woohoo!


      • #4
        Quoth sarasquirrel View Post
        they take their sweet time turning, with NO signal light. i wasnt aware signal lights were not a given on bmw :P
        Wait, you mean we're supposed to use our turn signals in this state? :P

        Sounds like just about any time I head out for errands. Utah may have been rife with people running the lights just as they turn red, but CT has that and crazy driving stunts. Oi.
        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

