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Yeah, go on and honk again, whydontcha?

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  • Yeah, go on and honk again, whydontcha?

    I'm sitting at a light, waiting to make a right turn (on red, allowable since there is no sign prohibiting it). I need to get over to the far left lane so I can turn left, so I'm going across two lanes of traffic. This particular light, there's no way to know cars are coming until they're practically on top of you, so it's usually best to wait until you get the green arrow or if the intersection is clear before going.

    Enter into the picture dumbass. Dumbass nearly caused an accident before he got behind me. See, he didn't stop at the stop sign before the light like he was supposed to and very nearly got t-boned by me. If I hadn't slammed on my breaks when I did, I'd be bitching about his lack of ability to obey said sign. Dumbass proceeds to flip me off and backs up so I can go.

    After I pass, dumbass then decides it's a good idea to tailgate me since in his mind he figures he's going to teach me a lesson. Heaven forbid I should do the speed limit. Fine, I don't care, because if he hits me, it's his fault. we are, me waiting for traffic to clear so I can turn and dumbass lays on the horn.

    *HOOOOOOOOONK!!* I just look in the mirror and smile and wave. Oh, did he flip me off..ooh, goody.

    Traffic is still not clear, so I wait a little more.

    *HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK!!!!!* Look in the mirror again, oooh, he's pissed and flipping me off more and I think he's swearing at me. Sorry buddy, can't go if traffic is backed up and the intersection is blocked. My car doesn't have levitation yet.

    *HOOOOONK HOOOOOONk HOOOOOOOOOONK!!!!* Wow..he must really be in a hurry. Guess what, dumbass? I can't go anywhere either, so shut the fuck up!

    The green arrow finally appears and I half expect him to rear-end me but amazingly enough, he doesn't.

    However..sweet justice. He runs the red light because he's in such a damned hurry and gets pulled over by a cop who's leaving the grocery store parking lot. Awwww...ain't that sad?
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

  • #2
    I had seen some assholes on the road before, but I had never seen someone go completely insane about having to wait until that one fateful Friday in the McDonalds drive-thru.

    A grown man in a new car behind me actually started pulling on his hair, pounding on his steering wheel, violently shaking his head, and flopping around inside the car to jerk forward and scream at me to go, when I wasn't even in anyone's way. I mean, this guy should have been put in the rubber room for that.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      I swear blas, you need to install a dash cam so I can see these morons in cars going psycho on you.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        YAY! I love when assholes get pwned!

        And good lord blas, I don't think even I have ever had the privilege of seeing a driver get that crazy!
        Last edited by Rantsylvania 6-5000; 01-06-2011, 01:01 PM.
        Steven Slater ROCKS! So does James Jones!

        The world is an asshole contest...and EVERYONE'S A WINNER!


        • #5
          To further avoid jacking the thread, that story is in this very forum and it's from.....I want to say February of 2009. "Proving His Manhood" I think is what it's called.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            I've had similar things happen, and I've pulled over to tell the cop what they did that the cop DIDN'T see. Apparently, they can issue a ticket on a citizen's complaint as long as you're willing to testify if the driver decides to fight the ticket.


            • #7
              Reminds me of some jackass I once saw. I was a pedestrian crossing the street. A guy waiting to turn right was waiting for me, and traffic, to clear. The guy behind him not only started honking wildly, he actually leaned out the window and was screaming "MOVE. YOUR. A$$!!!!!!!" The poor driver he was yelling at was sitting there staring in his rearview with slightly terrified eyes. I was directly in front of the the waiting car at that point. I pondered turning to go over and smack the idiot, but that could have made things turn ugly, so I merely continued on my way. I was thankful there was another car shielding me from the idiot, since that guy apparently would have no qualms about mowing me down.
              Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

