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Driver Needs to Get Anger Management and a Life

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  • Driver Needs to Get Anger Management and a Life

    bg: I have tardive dyskinesia. The spasm (which I call a twitch) causes my left arm to contract at odd times, bending my hand about ninety degrees back and bringing it up to shoulder level with my fingers closed into a fist. /bg

    I'm driving down a major interstate today. There's only me and Anger Management Guy (AMG) on the road. It's a two-lane highway, but for some reason AMG has decided to stay behind me while he gabs on the phone. This is fine by me, except that he's doing that whole speed up, slow down thing. It's annoying, since I've got my cruise control set to six miles over the speed limit and I'm in the slow lane, but I figure if he really wants to get around me he can pass on the left. Besides, if he hits me, I get a new car.

    Just as he comes up on my ass for the umpteenth time I have a twitch.

    Next thing I know, this guy roars his car into the other lane, pulls up next to me, rolls down his window, and starts cussing me out for flipping him off!

    I give him the look. I have no idea what he's talking about.

    Then I twitch again.

    Oh boy, does that send him into a whole 'nother level of mad. I'm starting to freak out, since I have no idea if this guy's going to go all road rage on me and try to run me off the road. I hit the brakes, and thankfully he kept going. I'd have gotten off at the very next exit if he'd decided to push things further.

    Still, he got pissed off because he thought I flipped him off? Who the hell flips off the driver behind them with their left hand? If I'm going to flip off the guy behind me, I'm gonna use my right hand, so he can see it real clear through the rear window. And when I twitch, my hand closes up; there's no way I can stick out a finger when a twitch. Not that AMG knew that, but I think his guilty conscience made him react to what he thought he saw rather than what really happened.
    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull