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A Random Encounter

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  • A Random Encounter

    Just got home from going out to eat with Kabe. And on the way, we had a random encounter! *cue battle music*

    Part of the route home includes a T-intersection that has two lanes: the left turn which has a stop, and the right turn, which has a yield. There's even a lovely triangle shaped divider to separate the two.

    Come up to it to find a red SUV pulled up on the left side with emergency blinkers on. Fortunately, they're far enough back on the divider that cars can still pull around.

    Decided to stop and find out what's the matter. Maybe they need to use a phone or something. Never know. So pull up next to them and roll down passenger window.

    The lady driving just keeps motioning for me to move around. I ask, "What's wrong? Do you need help?" Turns out she seems to only speak Spanish.

    It took a couple of tries for her to understand what I was asking (I speak no Spanish whatsoever at this point), but gets out that she's trying to make it to the beach. And the signs at this intersection indicate mileage, but not direction. Should note that there is a separate sign saying "Beach Traffic" and has an arrow, silly.

    So gave her directions, and told her she could follow me until I turned. So we do that. At the intersection I slow down to make sure she makes it...and she stops. In the middle of the intersection. With a yellow. And double checks she needs to keep going straight.

    I confirm this, bid her a good evening, and drove home. Crisis semi-averted! *end battle music*

    Not really road rage, just...clueless.
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  • #2
    KHELDARSON became confused!

    >FIGHT PkMn

    KHELDARSON is confused!
    It hurt itself in its confusion!
    "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut

