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Do some people just WANT to cause an accident?

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  • Do some people just WANT to cause an accident?

    I was going home yesterday from work. I was getting ready to merge onto 70 when the only car coming moved into the rightmost lane and sped UP, thereby causing me to slam on my brakes at the end of the onramp.

    Seriously, I know they had right-of-way, but when you have three lanes to choose from when coming up to the onramps, why do you choose the lane that cars are going to merge onto???? Why????

    Then the idiot tailgates the car in front of him. I was hoping he would go onto 4 with me so I could crawl up his ass for a while. Instead he went the other direction. Probably just as well.
    Last edited by laborcat; 02-10-2011, 02:05 PM. Reason: typo :(

  • #2
    People do that to me constantly on the bypass on my way home every day. I swear, there can be nobody else around, and they want to stay in that damn lane and they are going to make sure that I have a hard time getting in.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Because people are fucking bullies and control freaks, and I believe that's what motivates most people to do the shitty things they do. I get this kind of crap trying to merge onto freeways, and most of the time when I'm trying to change lanes.
      Steven Slater ROCKS! So does James Jones!

      The world is an asshole contest...and EVERYONE'S A WINNER!


      • #4
        Tow things frustrate me when I get on the freeway: The people that will not get thier ass in gear and get to highway speed and try to merge 10 to 15 under and the ones that speed up on you when you are up to speed and trying to merge only to slow way down after you force you way over.
        "Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are your own fears." – Rudyard Kipling

        I don't have hot flashes. I have short, private vacations to the tropics.


        • #5
          I agree, pitmonkey. That sends my blood pressure just soaring when I am stuck behind someone trying to merge onto the freeway on a clear normal day, that person refusing to merge any faster than 40-55 mph, and then when I go to pass them so I don't get tailgated or slomped by people going the appropriate speed, they suddenly find their gas pedal and rocket off.

          I totally hate when people do that. You are supposed to merge in a fashion that you are going the speed limit by the time you get in, NOT mosey your way in at several mph BELOW the speed limit, then put it into gear and get moving.

          That or people who soar onto the freeway, then decide to toodle at 50 mph.

          Did I mention I also HATE HATE HATE people around here who treat the freeway as if its the older highway (speed limit 50)? Hello, this is the SAME freeway you'd take to go up north, SPEED LIMIT 65. I am so sick of passing people who are barely going 60 in decent road conditions. Don't want to go that fast, get off the damn freeway.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            And then there are the inverse, the people behind you on the ramp who just have to hit 80mph before they get on the 65-70mph highway, and thus cut you off as you attempt to merge at the appropriate speed. ::shakes fist:: I can't win. Either I get stuck behind the slowpokes, or in front of Captain Tailgate.
            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


            • #7
              I love the ones who get behind you as you're going at least five miles over the speed limit, on a dark and rainy night on a curvy two lane highway...and start flashing their brights at you. Because blinding you with your own mirrors is a GREAT idea. Because bullying someone in the hope they'll go even FASTER in dangerous conditions is frakkin' BRILLIANT.

              To the silver bug that did this to me the other night, then finally passed me while giving me the 'wtf is wrong with you' gesture because I had the temerity to slow down at their actions, not speed up...I noticed two miles up the road when I reached the one stop-light...that you were waiting there to turn left. Yeah, you REALLY made good time acting like a clown. I went through the light and passed you while you were still waiting.

              My dollhouse blog.

              Blog about life


              • #8
                These are the same people I hate that stay in the right lane on major highways and the parkway without ever moving over for those merging. You have at least one other lane, what do you have against moving over to let people on?
                "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                • #9
                  They're also the people who go at least 100mph on the interstate in the middle of nowhere who don't bother to turn their headlights on when it's getting dark. This was seen on the I-15 between Barstow, CA and Las Vegas.


                  • #10
                    The biggest moron I have ever been stuck behind was going down the on ramp normally, until they almost got the merge when the slammed on the brakes for no reason and stopped.

                    That was real fun trying to merge from maybe 20 MPH onto a highway with everyone going about 70-75 MPH.


                    • #11
                      My favorite is the person who is on the freeway that manages to get aside you and decides that he is going to match your speed regardless. Speed up, he speeds up....slow down, he slows down.

                      Favorite #2, the guy behind you that decides to use the lines to get on the freeway and then cuts you off.

