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3 Minutes = 2 Incidents

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  • 3 Minutes = 2 Incidents

    When I drive to work it is literally a less than five minute drive. I only drive it because there are no sidewalks and even though the signs say 25mph and 35mph can we guess what people ACTUALLY go? 65mph. So as I'm driving I have to turn at a single light and then I park. Well TWO events happen to me in the SAME 3 minute drive.

    1. I'm behind Mr. Pick Up coming up on this light. It's yellow, it's JUST ABOUT to turn red. It is red before Mr. Pick Up gets under it. As we all know, most red lights have that second or two where BOTH directions are red as to reduce accidents from assholes who run reds right after they were yellow. Well Mr. OTHER Pick Up decides that he doesn't want to wait for his green so he goes to turn right. Right in front of the first Mr. Pick Up who is running his yellow-red.

    Um... Cue screeching breaks and my eyebrows going up a little. They didn't hit but it was DAMN close.

    2. I hear sirens, I look in my rearview and I see lights. Crap. Green light, I think I'll just make my turn and then get into the shoulder so just in case they turn right at my light I'll be out of the way. As I'm turning there is ANOTHER AMBULANCE RUNNING THE RED COMING RIGHT FOR ME. I was like, "AAAAAAAAAAAAGH I'M SORRY!!!!" I could hear those sirens because they were mixed up from the sirens from behind me. I felt so bad!

  • #2
    I don't know how you got through that. You did get out of it unharmed, though, right?
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      Quoth Kristev View Post
      I don't know how you got through that. You did get out of it unharmed, though, right?
      Indeed I did.


      • #4
        The two ambulances approaching the intersection just reminds me of this:

        Okay, back on topic. I wouldn't feel too bad about the ambulance thing. Honest mistake.

        As for the guys, if they had hit, I would have totally stuck around to be a witness for the police report. "I saw the whole thing officer. They're both at fault because they're both idiots."
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
          The two ambulances approaching the intersection just reminds me of this:
          I thought you were going to say this:

