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That bumper? It's mine not yours

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  • #16
    "The track on this side of the red signal is your territory; the track on the other side belongs to the Company. They don't like trespassers."


    • #17
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
      I want one that says "clearly you don't know how insurance works."
      We need that one here too . . .

      Let me set this scene up for you. It's a dark, January night. Still some patches of snow/ice on the roads. I've just got off from work at the Litter Box and, of course, Mom decides this is the time she wants to drive 6 miles up Church Street (and north of the intersection where my shopping center is it becomes 2 lanes w/a turning lane for a spell, then further north it narrows to 2 lanes) to go to the Blowes so I can run in to get toilet paper, paper towels and Edy's Ice cream (they were running a big BOGO sale.)

      Not far after we get past the subdivisions and the road narrows before it crosses over Lake Townsend (one of our major water resevoirs) we had a Mr. Ram Truck who thought it a good idea to ride our ass the entire way (by this time we were about 2 miles north of the Litter Box and had roughly 4 to go before we got to Blowes, which is at the intersection with 150.)

      Once we got past the lake, the road goes back to two lanes w/a turn lane at certain points (where the road intersects) but he can't pass for the double solid lines in the middle of the road (ie, no passing allowed in either direction.)

      This dude the entire time kept trying to wiggle around us (and Mom was going slightly below the speed limit due to the road conditions and the fact that it was dark out) and try to speed up on us, turning up the headlights, etc.

      And several times, he would actually attempt to cross the double solid lines to go around us . . . and several times he had to scoot right back into position behind us because another vehicle would show up.

      During the whole ride, Mom just kept her speed steady and, at one point or two slowed down just a touch. Probably pissed off Mr. Ram, but tough titty said the kitty.

      Finally we reached the shopping center and made our right turn to get into the parking lot. Mr. Ram Truck speeds off and runs straight through the intersection, never to be seen again.

      Now did you get any further any quicker, Asshole?
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #18
        I had a brief incident today, only this was more along the lines of "Could you rev your engine louder, I can't hear how small your dick is." This tailgater saw that most people including myself weren't about to go what seemed like 65 in a 35mph zone, as I wasn't the only one whose bumper he almost took off going around me, and I like to think that if he pulled that a bit farther, the campus police would give him a ticket, as their station is on that same street.

        I didn't see if that happened, as I was about to turn right at the next intersection anyway to get home.


        • #19
          The other day as we were heading back to the office, this guy was first going to use the right turn lane to get around us. He decided against that when he saw the curb that forces you to go right. Then he passed us around the double yellow line. He saved all of zero seconds at the light. Sadly, there was a cop right at the office...I wish he were somewhere else.

          This morning, I nearly got my side scraped by a snow plow as he passed a little too closely (and I'm not talking one of the county vehicles). Then I watched him use the right turn lane to cut off the car just ahead of him.


          • #20
            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            I want one that says "clearly you don't know how insurance works."
            If you get that made, I'll buy one for me and all of my coworkers!


            • #21
              Zazzle does bumper stickers....
              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

