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Does anyone use their blinker anymore??

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  • Does anyone use their blinker anymore??

    People who don't bother to use their blinkers when you're waiting for them to go by, and then suddenly turn need to be dragged out of their vehicles and flogged. Everyone does this now. What ever happened to consideration for other people?
    This REALLY chaps my ass.

  • #2
    half of the drivers in my town must have broken blinker levers or defective equipment cause they DO NOT seem to work. OH just brake suddenly and turn.

    If I were to pull that stunt esp while on the job as a delivery driver (with a lighted car topper with the store's phone number on it) , the phone at work would explode
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


    • #3
      I have to love how I'll have my turn signal on, wait for traffic to clear and as I'm about to turn someone will pass me on that side. One guy even told me it was illegal for postal trucks to make left turns. I think the cop laughed harder then I did.


      • #4
        Didn't you know that blinkers are extra equipment nowadays, especially if it's a luxury car? </sarcasm>


        • #5
          I think I know why people don't use blinkers.

          Because some idiot in the lane you're about to change to reacts to the signal like a red flag to a bull, and cuts you off.

          Though I can't help but think the idiots who never signal are the same idiots who throttle up the instant someone else signals.
          Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


          • #6
            I hate people who are riding neck and neck with you in the other lane, with their blinker on, just waiting to cut you off.

            Especially after we just went around a multi turn lane and they weren't in the one they should have been in.
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              I use my blinker all the time, working in a gas station I meet plenty of people who have no business operating any sort of moving vehicle that could ram people off the road or mow down pedestrians. Which Is why I try and keep my truck away from other cars, I don't mind being close to fancy over priced cars, that I hope have insurance, but when I see a mobile wreck that looks like it been hit in several spots I use some profiling.

              A) You Suck at driving
              B) You have habit of being in wrong place at wrong time
              C) You don't care if you car is damanged
              D) You hope if you brake check me, I will finish demolishing your rear-end and my insurance will replace it all
              E) You have the lowest insurance or none at all
              F) Any combination of the above.

              That being sad I know plenty of good drivers that have ended up with crappy cars for various reasons but with a father who a traffic cop, I hear plenty of horror stories about scammers and scum
              I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


              • #8
                My guess would be that blinkers are going out of style with the "too busy to wait" crowd. I nearly got hit by one of those types today.

                So on Major Road near my place, there is a turn lane as the center of the five driving lanes on the road. The space between the two lights that sit at either end of this turn lane is maybe half a block long, if that. The turn lane is divided in half; one half for turning left onto My Road, the other half for turning left onto Other Road. Sometimes when traffic is backed up in the straight lanes, it can block people from quickly getting into the turn lane, which for turning onto My Road, gets its arrow before straight traffic does. Now, most of the time, I don't mind people driving the wrong way down one half of the turn lane to get to the correct half of the turn lane, except for when there's traffic already in the turn lane. Obvious reasons, I would hope.

                Cue today. I'd just turned onto Major Road from My Road, and was going to be turning onto Other Road. So as soon as the turn lane opened to my direction, I started to pull into it, signal and all. Suddenly a car waiting in the backed-up straight lane going the other way decided it just had to be in the turn lane to My Road, and pulled into the wrong end of the turn lane without signalling.

                I had to hit my brakes, because this yahoo's front end was pointed right at mine. I kind of squeaked around him as he slowed slightly, then kept going. Newsflash, sir. That is my end of the turn lane, not yours. Therefore, I have the right of way, and I also have the bigger vehicle, and at this point I really wouldn't mind a little insurance to help repair the front end since our driver's door is dying. Playing chicken with the vehicle twice your size is not a good idea.
                "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                • #9
                  blin-ker? What is this blin-ker thing you mention?


                  • #10
                    A device my brother uses when he drives to indicate he intends to turn. But alas, no one else does. Unless they're Californians.
                    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kristev View Post
                      A device my brother uses when he drives to indicate he intends to turn. But alas, no one else does. Unless they're Californians.
                      Hey, now, most of us Upstate New Yorkers use them too! The west coast doesn't have a monopoly on blinker usage.

                      Texas, though.... ::elbows Hubby and MIL::
                      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                      • #12
                        Quoth Aethian View Post
                        I have to love how I'll have my turn signal on, wait for traffic to clear and as I'm about to turn someone will pass me on that side. One guy even told me it was illegal for postal trucks to make left turns. I think the cop laughed harder then I did.
                        Wait, what!? I want to hear the rest of this!

                        I've had people pass me on the right while making a right-hand turn...they just kinda squeak-by on the shoulder. Drives me nuts.

                        I use turn signals even in the parking lot. Even at 3AM. It's good practice.
                        "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

