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"I brake for white canes and guide dogs"

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  • "I brake for white canes and guide dogs"

    This is a bumper sticker I occasionally see on vehicles around here, particularly city buses. It always drives me batty. Why the hell do you need to proclaim via bumper sticker that you do what you're supposed to do anyway? You're supposed to stop for white canes and guide dogs if they're crossing the street in front of you. You're also supposed to stop for things that aren't white canes and guide dogs, such as pedestrians in crosswalks, children darting out into the street, and green-light traffic on cross streets. Why aren't those things on your bumper sticker?

    Anyhow, the reason why I'm lathered up about that is because as I was heading out to Wally World this evening, I had a green light but had to stop for a big ass truck bearing the above-ranted-about bumper sticker turning right out of a parking lot in front of me.

    The driver then floored so, so I would have to listen to his penile substi-truck RUMBLE!, and then he darted into the left lane without signaling so he could pass traffic in the right lane.

    On a street with a 35 mph speed limit, he had to be doing close to 50. With the way he drives, he only brakes for white canes and guide dogs so he can scrape them out of his wheel wells.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Nothing to add about the bumper sticker, but that just pisses me off when people get into the left lane (or right, whichever) and floors it at the light so they can get back into the other lane and take the next turn or next exit.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      The driver then floored so, so I would have to listen to his penile substi-truck RUMBLE!, and then he darted into the left lane without signaling so he could pass traffic in the right lane.

      On a street with a 35 mph speed limit, he had to be doing close to 50.
      I've never understood just *why* some people want their vehicles to sound like they're about to throw a rod. Locally, nearly all of these prized rides are some shitbox 1970s Chevy or Ford pickups beat to hell, barely firing on all 8 (or 6, if you're too cheap for a V8 )...yet can barely outrun the 1959 Radio-Flyer parked in my garage. Drivers of said vehicles, usually sport mullets...and their family trees don't always fork if you know what I mean...

      But, speeding with a loud exhaust is just stupid. Not only are you saying "I'm a giant douche" to other drivers, but you might be drawing attention from unwanted sources--the police. I know one of my cars has a loud exhaust. Even 40mph sounds like you're doing 70. However, that's how the car was when it was new. I didn't remove the muffler, fit a fart can, or jam a screwdriver into the exhaust.
      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        Why the hell do you need to proclaim via bumper sticker that you do what you're supposed to do anyway?
        I always assumed it was a subtle passive-aggressive attempt to shame crappy drivers into obeying the law.

        Problem with that theory though, is that the typical impatient EW jackass driver A) doesn't read anything anyway, and B) doesn't feel shame either.
        Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

        "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

