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Why pretend, bitches?

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  • Why pretend, bitches?

    Today I brake checked a bitch. Now, normally, I don't do that. But it's a full moon, they're out in force, and I was already irritated. So sue me.

    She's on her phone, yakking away in a big white SUV with her over processed hair helmet and her overplucked eyebrows. Yeah, that's how close she was to my back bumper.

    So she got checked. I didn't slow or stop, mind, just flashed the lights. She backed off for about three seconds, then got right back into her phone conversation and obliviously climbed up my colon again.

    So I did it again. Lather rinse, repeat. About three times. By the third time, she actually threw up her hands with this "What???" expression on her face.

    Okay, now, when people do this, it annoys me more than the actual bullying and tailgating and oblivious driving does. You know why you got checked, and you know what you were doing! Why you got to pretend you have no clue and that you are just baffled, BAFFLED at my erratic behavior? You know what you were doing! Own it, bitch!

  • #2
    I'm afraid you're preaching to the choir here. Some people are just that full of it (oh, and themselves) that they just don't care.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Oh how I wish your bitch was behind my asshole instead of me. She would have flattened his pos rustbucket, and he seriously deserved it. But your bitch is annoying.


      • #4
        Excellent. *applause*


        • #5
          Yeah, I had a guy doing that to me the other night. After backing off on the break check, he nearly slammed into me when I came to a stop sign and, y'know, stopped!

          He was so close I could only see the edges of his SUV's headlights in the rear view and blaring his horn. Because, obviously, stopping at the stop sign is beneath him. I waiting for oncoming traffic, which further enraged him. I don't know why this pissed him off so much. If I'd been t-boned because I ran the stop sign or tried to force my into traffic he'd be stuck MUCH longer...

          It was amusing that he passed me at the first passing zone only to turn into a driveway 1/2 mile down the road. He beat me there by about 5 seconds. [sarcasm] Ooooh, I'm so impressed! [/sarcasm]

