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Crazy Tailgater

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  • Crazy Tailgater

    Just remembered one from my big trip to Boston last week.

    On the way home from the trip, there was one point where I was on a fairly clear part of the Masspike, which is three lanes across. I was in the middle lane, doing about 70, the same speed as the car ahead of me (by several car-lengths). Right lane was mostly empty, left lane had a few cars that were going faster than us. Then one pulled up in the left lane and started pacing the car in front of me for some unknown reason. Didn't bother me much, as I was still doing a fair clip down the road.

    But then another car came roaring up in the left lane doing 80 at least (speed limit on the Pike is actually 65). It pulled right up behind the pacing car in the left lane, so close it was choking down the lead car's exhaust. There was barely two feet of space between the two bumpers.

    Speed Demon proceeded to maintain this super-insanely-close following distance for several minutes before finally deciding, "Oh, looks like Pace Car isn't going to speed up just because I'm close enough to trade bumper stickers, so I guess I'll cross two lanes of traffic without signalling." Yeah, no signal, just suddenly swoops behind the car in front of me (hooray for maintaining a more than sufficient following distance, especially once I saw the Speed Demon's antics), then pulls into the right hand lane and rockets off.

    The pace car in the left lane finally inched ahead of the car in front of me and pulled to the center lane several more minutes later, after which all the rest of the cars in the left lane, obviously not in as much of a hurry as Speed Demon nor as impatient, tootled ahead at their more reasonable speed.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

  • #2
    I have yet to have a pleasant ride on the Masspike (or 95 thru CT/MA for that matter). My driving style is usually to stay in the right lane unless I have to pass or if there's several exits coming up in a row where I'd have to keep getting over to let people in. Of course, this doesn't always stop speed demons like the one you described from roaring up behind me and either sitting on my bumper (hello, do you see the 2 lanes you could pick from to pass me on our left?) or by waiting so long to cut over to pass that I wonder if they're going to run into me.

