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Miscommunication, or Just an Asshole?

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  • Miscommunication, or Just an Asshole?

    (I think I've been posting way too much in this section lately)

    Really, I don't know what this guy's case was. Either he didn't read my messages right, or someone really pissed in his Wheaties this morning and he still was miffed about it.

    The scene: rush-hour traffic on Major Highway. There's one section of the highway where three lanes go down to two as traffic exits to merge onto Other Major Highway, then there's merging traffic from Other Major Route that's getting on to Major Highway. I like to stay in the left lane right around here because merging traffic doesn't yield, ever, and I'm never in the mood to play Dodg-ems.

    Well, everyone else had the same idea, so it was kind of tight in the left lane. I'm doing about 50 here, the limit is 55 but doing the limit sticks me in the backseat of the guy in front of me, and I've seen taillights light up enough times to know I'm going to have to stop at some point.

    Enter navy blue Ford Explorer roaring up on my ass, doing the charge/back off thing typical of the raging asshole types up here. I ignore it, and give him no attention, focusing instead on the drivers ahead of me (y'know, like back in Driver's Ed? How come no one ever remembers this?).

    Taillights light up again due to a cruiser pulled off to the side with its lights on, so I start hitting the breaks so I don't collide with the woman in front of me. Teensy Weensy Peensy Man decides I'm brake-checking him, mocking him, and how dare I do such a thing? he roars off the the right lane nearly missing my rear bumper, cuts in front of me just missing my front bumper, and slams on the break with exactly 4 feet between us. I had to swerve into the right lane to get away from him because I surely would've been creamed. Laid on the horn, and he just rolled down the window and flipped the bird. Of course the cruiser missed this; he was busy dealing with the guy he had just pulled over.

    I'm still pissed; the only thing that made me feel better was him blanching as I held up my phone to "take" a picture of him and his car, of course I didn't get one but maybe that got the message across. That, and a visit to my town's new library to treat myself to some fine reading material for my work breaks. But I was still shaking at the near miss when i pulled into a space at the library.

  • #2
    Quoth Nashida View Post
    Teensy Weensy Peensy Man
    That right there is the problem.
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #3
      Quoth Nashida View Post
      Miscommunication, or Just an Asshole?
      The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but I think this guy was just another Jerk-Face McAsshole.
      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


      • #4
        Quoth Nashida View Post
        Enter navy blue Ford Explorer roaring up on my ass, doing the charge/back off thing typical of the raging asshole types up here. I ignore it, and give him no attention, focusing instead on the drivers ahead of me (y'know, like back in Driver's Ed? How come no one ever remembers this?).

        Taillights light up again due to a cruiser pulled off to the side with its lights on, so I start hitting the breaks so I don't collide with the woman in front of me. Teensy Weensy Peensy Man decides I'm brake-checking him, mocking him, and how dare I do such a thing? he roars off the the right lane nearly missing my rear bumper, cuts in front of me just missing my front bumper, and slams on the break with exactly 4 feet between us.

        One of these days he's going to pull that stunt on the wrong person, possibly Even Teensier Weensier Peensy Man who settles affronts to his honour using firearms, or possibly a trucker.

        Fun fact: Hydraulic brakes (such as on a car) have usable pressure at the wheel cylinders/calipers as soon as you step on the pedal. Air brakes take about half a second from stepping onto the pedal until there's usable pressure in the brake chambers. This delay is known as "brake lag", and with the distances you described, is enough time for a truck to travel both the minimal gap which Spiffy McMoron left AND the length of Spiffy's vehicle.

        Fun fact #2: Spiffy is used to his Explorer being the "big guy" in any vehicular confrontation. If he's dealing with any vehicle subject to "brake lag", he's suddenly the little guy.

        End result: Due to simple physics, regardless of the trucker's best attempt to avoid a collision, Spiffy gets a good view of the lawn from the dirty side. Rest In Pieces, Spiffy McMoron.
        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


        • #5
          Brake lag is also one of the many reasons not to play chicken with a train. Air brakes again, only now they aren't even *direct* air brakes (except for the EP brakes used in modern DMUs and EMUs) and involve changing the pressure in an air pipe that's often a quarter-mile long. Applying those in any sort of controlled fashion takes a while.

          For emergencies there are special accelerator valves to get the signal to the far end of the train ASAP. It still takes an appreciable fraction of a second per wagon, so if you are standing in the right place when this happens, you can hear the valves going off one after another.

          (I'm talking here about American-type freight trains, which are the most common and worst case in America. European and passenger trains are slightly different but sufficiently similar principles apply.)


          • #6
            I can usually tell when someone is going to pull this stunt, so as soon as they are clear of my bumper, I slow way the hell down. Result is that the guy goes roaring around me much faster and much further than he meant to.

            Which means you don't get cut off, you don't have to slam on breaks, and the asshead is thwarted and frustrated.

            Further attempts to "get you to tailgate him" (which in cases like these are usually par for the course) should also be thwarted in similar fashion i.e. simply do not speed up to close the gap.

