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Off-duty Police Officer's Road Rage

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  • Off-duty Police Officer's Road Rage

    Speed limit on the interstate is 65. In the left lane, cars usually travel 70-85. Now, yes this is speeding but it's the standard.

    So anyway, we're driving and we notice a license plate with the star. We're pretty sure it's Fraternal Order of the Police plate. Anyway, this idiot is going 60-65 (prob 63) in the left lane. 3 cars in front of us go into the right lane and go around him. So we get closer to him and he has no signs of moving over so we pass him too. At this point, we speed up to 70-73.

    This guy then pulls out his cellphone and dials the number on the ambulance. He speeds up to within 5 feet of us, not safe stopping distance. I comment about that to my partner. Within in a few minutes, the guy has backed off and more cars have gone around him.

    We get a call from the dispatcher from a supposed off-duty officer. I get off the phone and tell my partner. At this time, we have a semi in front of us, another semi on the right, a car really close behind us, and a semi behind that car. The dispatcher calls us within in 30 seconds and tells us the guy is threatening to call the state police. I am slightly sucky and bitch at the dispatcher that we haven't had time to get over or slow down and does the idiot driver want us to cause an accident because the white car is following too close for us to immediately slow down.

    Well, we speed up to get past the truck on the right and we merge over. We get enough distance to safely start to slow down. Within minutes we spot the red car and the idiot is swerving through traffic dangerously and almost causes a few accidents to catch up with us. Keep in mind we were going about five over the entire time and now we're going 65.

    The idiot merges dangerously close, within five feet of the truck, and speeds up to catch up with us. He slows down after about 30 seconds within in five feet of our bumper to about twenty feet behind us. He then repeats it about three times before I go back there to get this guy's license plate number.

    Keep in mind, I have horrible eye sight so the fact that I can get this guy's license plate says something. After they see me watching them, they start making angry hand gestures, maybe because they figure out I'm writing their license plate number down.

    So then this guy is still doing the slowing down and speeding up deal. The truck he cut off earlier becomes frustrated and he tries to pass the car on the left. Now, maybe the car didn't see him and was doing his speed up and slow down routine without realizing it, but he prevent the semi from getting over. The truck then turns his left turn signal on and starts to merge behind the car because the car is within four feet of us. The idiot then slows down and is within 3 feet of striking the front corner of the semi. I really don't think the supposed police officer saw the semi, otherwise he might have had a heart attack. I about did when I saw the car almost cause the semi to clip him.

    They try waving at me at the exit because I tell my partner to get off because the guy may try to follow us. He gets off behind us but thankfully turns the opposite direction.

    We call the dispatcher and he is okay. He understands when we explain we were surrounded and it would have been unsafe for us to slow down right now.

    I'm tempted to post his license plate on one of those bad driver sites. he was almost caused several accidents trying to catch up with us and playing his speed up and slow down game. If my camera worked, I would have filmed them driving and probably would have gotten him almost clipping the semi.

    I get it's embarrassing to be passed by an ambulance, but grow up. We passed 3 on-duty state troopers that were monitoring the road (or at least were holding the devices up) while they were following us. None of them pulled us over. I wish they would have gotten the guy for reckless driving when he was tailgating us or almost caused the truck to hit him.

  • #2
    Seriously? Wtf?
    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


    • #3
      Just an aside, but it doesn't matter how close someone is; you can always safely reduce speed.

      Other than that, report his ass.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        I hadn't even finished telling my partner about the phone call so to "safely reduce speed" in the time frame that the guy had given dispatch to call us to me to tell my partner was unrealistic. It would have literally been a "slam on the brakes" situation. We couldn't have coasted to a safe speed in the time frame. Not to mention we were in the left lane so the left lane probably didn't expect people to slow down to the speed limit or slower.


        • #5
          i'm confused... was the off-duty officer the one driving like an idiot?
          while on his phone to boot?


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            i'm confused... was the off-duty officer the one driving like an idiot?
            while on his phone to boot?
            That's what I heard.

            Being a cop is not a license to drive like an idiot just to piss off people you think are driving like idiots.
            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


            • #7
              The person called and claimed he was an off duty officer. That may be true or he may have lied.


              • #8
                Quoth dbuzman View Post
                The person called and claimed he was an off duty officer. That may be true or he may have lied.
                I hope he was lying - presumably the OPs dispatcher has (from caller ID) the guy's phone #. If that can be shown to belong to someone other than a cop, he's in deep trouble for impersonating a police officer.

                Just my opinion, but I'd think a real cop would call the office and have them deal with the ambulance company, rather than calling the ambulance company directly.
                Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                • #9
                  Lots of civilians think they are off-duty police officers.

                  My destiny is not pretty, but it's what my cutie mark is telling me.


                  • #10
                    Quoth PepperElf View Post
                    i'm confused... was the off-duty officer the one driving like an idiot?
                    while on his phone to boot?
                    Yes. The car was at least owned by a member of the Fraternal Order of the Police though. I am not sure what the requirements are to have that license plate. It also could have been his family member driving the car.

                    We also passed 3 state troopers on duty clocking plus another one before we passed the idiot. None stopped us.


                    • #11
                      Quoth "emt_cookies
                      The car was at least owned by a member of the Fraternal Order of the Police though. I am not sure what the requirements are to have that license plate.
                      When I was a cashier at <organic grocery store> I checked out a doctor that had a star in his wallet. I was curious and asked and he said iirc he was a surgeon that operated on officers wounded in the line of duty.
                      Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                      Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                      • #12
                        Quoth dragon_wings View Post
                        When I was a cashier at <organic grocery store> I checked out a doctor that had a star in his wallet. I was curious and asked and he said iirc he was a surgeon that operated on officers wounded in the line of duty.
                        that's sweet. *gives the doc a cookie and a *



                        • #13
                          Quoth PepperElf

                          that's sweet. *gives the doc a cookie and a *

                          It was kinda awkward at first cause I asked him if he was a cop. Then he explained to me he was a doc. But yeah, guys (and gals) like him are *awesome*.
                          Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                          Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever

