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    To the white truck on 36th early this morning.

    I applaud you for pulling over to answer your cell phone. That was a good choice.

    However, you chose to pull over across the driveway to the minimall, blocking traffic. That wasn't such a great choice.

    It would have been smarter to pull in and park in one of the literally hundreds of vacant spaces, seeing as it was still early and most of the stores were closed.

    Some were open, though. Namely, the Starbucks, and the grocery store that serves delicious doughnuts. (When the wind is just right, that bakery smell wafts up to my apartment, and oh my GAWD does it smell good!)

    In short, you have placed yourself so you are between people and their morning coffee/breakfast. This cannot be good for your health. You should probably find a better spot to take your calls.
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.