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Parking Ticket Fun

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  • Parking Ticket Fun

    Rob wants me to call it something like our annual Divine Retribution.

    So, here we are driving home from my Moms, NYS Thruway eastbound. We stop to pee and get gas, and I get back to the car first and have a ringside seat.

    Cute little Audi rolls into the parking spot next to mine, separated by the stripy area. I am airing the car slightly so Rob's window is open about an inch. The cop car that was headed to the drive through stops, the light flashes around a bit, and even I can notice that there is not a hanging placard. I can not see if there is a gimp plate on the car itself or not. Since the cop gets out and walks up to the car I am guessing that is definitely no. Ensuing conversation I really can't hear other than the cop asking if he has a placard and hasn't hung it yet.

    Apparently no placard either, as a ticket ensues. Audi pulls out of spot and heads down the road.

    I believe that particular ticket just cost the guy $500. Sucks to be him.

    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.

  • #2
    Good. Karma was swift but sure on that dude.
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


    • #3
      And now he knows that "just a minute" is still too long. I don't need to use those spaces, but I really dislike seeing others who don't need them parked in them. We have one at work, and the most common excuse is "but no-one was using it..."
      This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
      I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


      • #4
        What people don't realize is that in 'Just a minute', someone could be coming up and having to use that space, that needs it.. or the 'But no one was using it' BS.. That doesn't mean that the car behind you doesn't need it.... Well..guess what my friend.. your lazyassness prevented someone from even having the opportunity to choose if they wanted to go in or not.

        The next time you park your precious SUV in the spot with the nifty blue and white sign that shows someone with wheels coming out their ass think about This. Some of the people that need those spots, also have friends and family that drive vehicles(including SUVs) with the roof mounted 'Blue and Red Flashing light' option.
        Just sliding down the razor blade of life.


        • #5
          There are only 2 circumstances in which I have used handicapped spaces:

          (several times) Because handicap spaces are wider, 2 of them will line up with 3 regular ones on the opposite side of the line dividing two parking "combs". When both handicap spaces and the middle regular one are empty, I pull through the handicap spaces and park in the regular one on the other side of the dividing line (regular spaces 1 and 3 are fouled by the post with the sign). Note that I'm not PARKING in the handicap space, merely using it to do a "forward in/forward out" on a regular space.

          (once) I arrived at a shopping mall, and someone couldn't start their car due to a dead battery. A handicap space was the only one within reach of my jumper cables. Needless to say, once the other car got started, I moved to a regular space.
          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


          • #6
            Right now at work, they are having another stupid contest where whoever donates the most to a certain charity I hate gets Executive Parking until spring.

            I told my bf about it, we laughed, and he joked "So you can donate a bunch of your money to show up to work and find out the asshole in HR with the Porsche took your spot anyway?"
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

