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Are you blind?

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  • Are you blind?

    I saw this driving home from work a couple days ago. A work near a busy shopping center and freeway. Nearly all of the intersections have dedicated left turn lights. We all know how they work: Green for left turners, red for everyone else. Green for everyone else, red for left turners.

    The left turn lane had the green arrow for both sides, my side had more people turning or making u-turns so the light to go straight turned green along with the green left turn arrow. A car in the opposing lane somehow decided that since we could go straight, so could she. She was no more than three feet away from t-boning a car u-turning. The woman drove through the majority of a large intersection on a red light. The car this woman almost hit was too nice to honk at her idiocy, the vehicle behind the near accident victim wasn't as he still had the green.
    "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

    Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm

  • #2
    I've seen this, too! It's so crazy! Same situation, too.

    I was waiting at the light to go straight and the guy on my right decided to go since the other side could go. Even when he realized the mistake (after me honking and other people), he stopped, then continued to crawl forward preventing the u-turners from continuing on their light. Wtf, dude?


    • #3
      Seen it first hand, too. In my case, I was the one with the green arrow to turn left, but the lead car in one of the two oncoming lanes decided to just start driving through. Honks all over the place, but she didn't seem to notice a one as she continued on her merry way, oblivious to the stares of all the cars around her, my glare (as she cut me off), and the incredulous look on the crossing guard's face (did I mention this was during school let-out, so there were a bunch of kids around too?).
      "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
      - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

