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How to ditch a car

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  • How to ditch a car

    "Ditch", get it? lol

    So this morning due to having some freaky dreams and not being able to fall back asleep, I was up early, so I decided to get an early start on the paper routes. This can be treacherous, especially on a Saturday morning. Since it's shortly after bar close, the amount of traffic increases exponentially compared to a mere hour later, and much of this traffic is drunk college students, since it's a college neighborhood. (Actually, I can't say for sure if these people were drunk or not, but statistically speaking, it's likely they were.) This morning appeared to be no exception, and I was flying through my route as fast as I could to get out of there quickly before someone tried to steal my car while I was parked for a delivery, or a drunk driver could hit me, etc etc.

    Another thing to note: on my first route, the ditches on the side of the road are HUGE. And there have been many, many, many times I will be driving around and see a car that's ended up in the ditch, and I quietly wonder now how did that happen? Well, now I know.

    Today, I had just returned to one of the main roads after delivering to a long dead-end street, and found myself behind a literal roadblock. Across the street and up a few feet was the street I needed to go down. There was a car there that had turned left onto the street, but then sorta stopped, and was either letting people out or loading people in. Since they didn't quite finish their turn, they were blocking the whole road, and their passengers seemed to be in absolutely no hurry to go anywhere anytime soon, as they were wandering around the car, laughing and chatting and going nowhere fast.

    Directly in front of me was another car full of people. This car would pull up behind the first car, back up, pull up again, back up again...just back and forth and back and forth. I don't know if it was some secret code for the other car to GTF outta the way, or if they were with the other car and wanted to pull up beside them, or what they were doing. This car was preventing me from turning onto the main road.

    Eventually, the back-and-forth car suddenly and swiftly backs up and away from the intersection, allowing me to turn. The other idiots are still there, but I can detour around them fairly easily. As I prepare to do so, that's when I notice the headlights from the backed-up car seem to be bouncing up and down.

    I look back at the other car, and see that they're not bouncing. The car has backed itself into the ditch, and is teetering! I could see the driver and passengers in there freaking out. I just sat there for a moment to process what I was seeing before driving off.

    As I drove off, I could hear the car-in-the-ditch revving its engine. Seeing as how only one of their drive tires was touching the ground (and it was soft, kinda swampy ground at that), methinks they were going to be stuck there for quite a while.
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    I've seen people put their cars into ditches...usually because they're too impatient (and/or stupid) to wait for oncoming traffic to clear. Instead, they'll try to force their way past on the back roads...with amusing results.

    That's why when I'd drive my grandmother around on those roads...I'd always try to give those idiots plenty of room. But, when you're heading uphill in a '95 Olds Cutlass Ciera (not exactly a big car, but much bigger than my Corolla), on a road barely wide enough for one car, let alone two, things can get interesting. There's only so far you can pull over to the right, unless you want to plunge off the road.

    So when a beat-up Chrysler minivan was coming down the hill, I had to find a way to let her pass. I put my turn signal on, with the intention of moving forward enough, that I could pull into a driveway, and let her pass. Rather than wait a few seconds, she floors it....and promptly gets her van stuck in a ditch with a loud "thud," which I can only assume that was her exhaust system or oil pan being damaged.

    Had she not started screaming 4-letter words at me, I'd been happy to help push that heap out. I don't take kindly for that sort of thing, especially when it's not my fault, so I left her to her own devices. You decided to get in a hurry, you got your car stuck, you chose to scream at me...means *you* can deal with it.
    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

