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Explain this to me

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  • Explain this to me

    I was driving along route 157 (i believe) after leaving Lyman Orchards

    anyways, i put my signal on turn pull over to the right, and stopped on the side of the curb. I was gonna try and get a shot of this sweet lookin old car. and all of a sudden a car comes up behind me and lays on the horn...

    so i kinda panicked and forgot about the shot and drove off.

    we get to a light later on and hes in the lane to my right. but didnt pull up all the way, like he could have. my mom turns to see what this guy looks like and hes just sittin in his car shakin his head.


    i was pulled over way before he showed up. i was next to the curb, and my signal light was on. and yes, it works..i checked. there was no one else on the road at that time, so he could have easily gone around me

    looking back i shouldve just stayed and gotten the shot. but mr assface had to ruin it

  • #2
    some people are jerks.


    • #3
      There are some places I hate pulling over to get pictures. If there isn't enough of a shoulder, I wont do it. I've also noticed that people seem to swerve towards me when I'm doing it. Gah.


      • #4
        today i was driving and was behind a tractor trailer. there was two lanes the way i was going. we were in the right lane and the truck had to turn right into a parking lot, so he went all the way over to the left for a wide turn, and i stopped for him. the guy behind me honked at me! ok lemme cut this guy off on the right with his massive tractor trailer and my little corolla. damn idiots.


        • #5
          I was sitting at a red light one time in the right hand lane going straight. You can also make a right turn on red. I did not have my turn signal on was not turning. Idiot behind decides to honk at me. I did not move. Just waited for the light to turn green and went straight. I hoped he felt silly for honking but probably not.
          "They gave me a badge with my name on it. In case I forget who I am." Dr Who - Closing Time

          "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Adam Savage-Mythbusters


          • #6
            Had a guy in a jeep (ever since this all the jeep drivers I seen were assholes) honking at me while we were at a left turn lane. Now, the light was green, but there was major traffic going on. He still insisted. THen the light turned red. Still honking. Finally our turn, he kept trying to pass me but a) that was illegal and b) again major traffic. Fun times


            • #7
              Quoth sarasquirrel View Post
              today i was driving and was behind a tractor trailer. there was two lanes the way i was going. we were in the right lane and the truck had to turn right into a parking lot, so he went all the way over to the left for a wide turn, and i stopped for him. the guy behind me honked at me! ok lemme cut this guy off on the right with his massive tractor trailer and my little corolla. damn idiots.
              Thank you for understanding a semi's need for room to make a turn. A standard move is to make a mini-jughandle (pull into the left lane close enough to the intersection that the tail of the trailer is still in the right lane blocking traffic), but with some narrow streets that won't leave enough clearance at the corner. Sometimes it's even necessary to start from the left curb and go up to the left curb of the other street (in oncoming lane both starting and finishing).

              Guys like the honker behind you don't realize that while there appears to be space to the right of the truck, that space will disappear SIDEWAYS. Also, have you noticed the height of the frame rail of the trailer? It's at the perfect height to take off the "greenhouse" of a car.
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #8
                Quoth Lovecats View Post
                I was sitting at a red light one time in the right hand lane going straight. You can also make a right turn on red. I did not have my turn signal on was not turning. Idiot behind decides to honk at me. I did not move. Just waited for the light to turn green and went straight. I hoped he felt silly for honking but probably not.
                I had something like that, but this person got into the lane next to where I was and made a very illegal right turn as I didn't have my turn signal on as I was going straight as soon as the light turned green. I'm one of those people who actually uses the turn signal, so if it's not on, it means I'm going straight, especially if the far right lane isn't one for right turns only.

